The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,37

over his chest as she rode him. He held her thighs, massaging them as she moved on him. She leaned forward, kissing him as they enjoyed the rare stolen afternoon.

“When this is over, I’m going to have you as often as possible,” she whispered. “I don’t like how you’re out at night all the time.”

“When this is over, you’ll find it hard getting me out of the bedroom,” he said softly, running a hand through her hair and holding her to his lips.

It was slow and easy, moving together. The door opened and closed behind them. It was Luykas coming in, but she didn’t bother looking at him. She heard his groan, knowing the view he was getting from behind.

He was smart enough not to speak as she listened to clothing fall. Bryn grunted underneath her as they kept going, ignoring Luykas completely.

She knew the moment to sit upright and looked at Luykas waiting. She wagged a finger, inviting him closer. She kissed him, then wrapped a hand gently around his neck. No pressure, just a physical reminder of dominance without any real threat behind it.

“You sent Emerian to be my nemari without telling me,” she said softly. “And you’re going to pay for it…right now.”

“Am I?” Luykas chuckled, a wicked smile on his face.

“Help us finish,” she ordered.

He leaned in and kissed her, one of his hands trailing down her stomach between her and the rogue under her. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, kissing him.

“Ah, fuck,” Bryn groaned. Whatever Luykas was doing was amazing because her rogue moved faster, harder. “I’m not going to make it, love.”

She figured that, remembering Luykas’ wicked smile. He knew he could finish off Bryn before she was well and truly done. The emotions coursing between them were an open dialogue between her and Luykas, a conversation without words. She was trying to be angry with him, and he was making it very hard. He was in too good a mood to bow down completely. He knew she wasn’t really angry, practically laughing through their bond.

Bryn finished inside her, panting softly. Luykas moved behind her, lifted her hips, and pulled her off Bryn.

“You better make it good,” she said, trying to look back at him. One problem with being Andinna, sometimes, there were too many wings, and they weren’t positioned right.

He said nothing as he shoved into her and took her hard over Bryn. She half-fell forward onto the rogue’s chest, screaming as Luykas went directly to a hard and fast pace, forcing her to the edge quickly and without mercy. He was in one of those moods, and she was surprisingly okay with it. He pushed her over the edge, growling as he buried himself deep and went with her.

When they were both finished and panting, he smiled at her while stretching out.

“So, why were you angry with me?” he asked.

“Emerian. Nemari,” she reminded him, looking up at him from the flat of her back, Bryn curled next to her.

“Ah.” Luykas nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want to warn you, so you would hear him out before making a decision without ever speaking to him.”

“He really wants this, doesn’t he? To fight in the rebellion.” Mave frowned. “It’s dangerous.”

“Are you trying to protect him from his blood right to fight as a warrior?” Luykas raised his eyebrows.

“I just want to protect him,” she said softly. “He…he kind of reminds me of me, but more innocent, more naïve. I don’t want to break him.”

“Ah, Mave,” Luykas said gently. “Something will, one day.”

“I know.” Sighing, she kissed Bryn, then sat up. “I’m going to eat something, train for the evening, then get some sleep.”

“Of course,” he said, lowering his head. She kissed him as she put on some clothing, then walked out. She ate with her husbands, enjoying the company as they all laughed. She was feeling good.

But Mave knew what she would see when she closed her eyes. She had a feeling about it when she was trying to think of what to say to Emerian.

A mountain path, a silent world—Mave walked to the same place she saw Kristanya too often. Since she had realized who the goddess was, the relationship had changed. The goddess had been testing her initially, but somewhere, Mave had proven her worth. Now, Kristanya was training her to be the best warrior the Andinna had ever seen.

“If I make you the best there has ever been, I know the best is working to save our people,” Kristanya had Copyright 2016 - 2024