The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,36

start going out and fighting for the rebellion.”

“Good for you,” Bryn said, his voice giving away how happy he was for the mutt. “We need more warriors.”

“Thank you. They had the idea I should be someone’s nemari. They don’t want to throw me into a big force—”

“Of course not, it’s dangerous for you. Really, I’m amazed we haven’t seen more mutts coming out of the Empire. I figured there would be enough to make a force.”

“They normally don’t live long,” Bryn reminded her gently. “Anywhere. Many Elvasi kill them on sight, or they run to Olost. The ones who have survived might not want to leave Olost now. They’re against the law in the Empire, and they probably don’t know the Andinna would be willing to accept them.”

Mave winced. He was right. When she had first seen Rain, she had the clear thought of wondering how long he would survive. The small mutts never lived long.

“That’s right. So, why do you need me, Emerian?” She saw the look on his face, a mix of hope and desperation, but she didn’t know where it was coming from.

“Luykas and Nevyn…decided you were really the only choice to have a nemari right now. He left it up to me to ask you if you would accept me in the role.”

The air left Mave’s lungs as shock hit her. Her husband left Emerian to approach her about this? Without telling her it was coming?

I don’t know the first fucking thing about having a nemari! Skies damn you, Luykas Andini, when I get my fucking hands on you...

“Oh, shit,” Bryn said behind her.

“I’m not a noble,” she pointed out. Bryn snorted.

“You don’t have to be, love. You’re the Champion. As your nemari, when he finishes training, he’s looking at a place in the elites if not a command.”

“Why am I the only option? Nevyn—”

“Almost always fights with Varon,” Emerian said, cutting her off, desperation leaking into his voice.

“And Varon is mute, which would make things complicated,” she finished, sighing. “Kian?”

“About to have a kid. No one is going to want to be within a hundred yards of him once that baby is born,” Bryn said. “Ah, I see what Luykas did. He wrote off Mat and Zayden. They’re good, but they grew up common, and they have smaller positions. Not enough prestige to really give Emerian a good future. I’m in charge of a completely different part of our forces, ones not suited to having a nemari, and scout work isn’t suited to Emerian. Alchan won’t take another one after Rain. Too soon. Luykas is becoming the new spymaster, and Emerian isn’t a Blackblood.”

Only one name didn’t come rolling off her husband’s tongue with an excuse as to why they weren’t available or enough.

Her own.

“Skies,” she whispered. “Look, Emerian, I don’t know the first thing about having a nemari. Can you give me a night to think about it?”

“Sure!” Emerian’s grin was energetic and just as pretty as she always thought it was.

“Meet me in your training field tomorrow at dawn, and I’ll have an answer.”

I’m going to fuck Bryn, strangle Luykas, then worry about this. In that order.

“I’ll be there.” Emerian jumped into the air, flying away.

“What are you thinking?” Bryn asked softly.

“I’m thinking I’m going to ride you, then wait to kill Luykas for letting this blindside me,” she answered, grabbing his hand. “Let’s go.”

Bryn offered no complaint to her plan, stripping the moment they were in the door. Zayden popped his head around the corner, laughing as Mave pushed Bryn into the bedroom. She looked back at him, raising an eyebrow.

“Care to join?”

“I would love to, but I’ve got something cooking on the fire,” he said, smiling. “I don’t want to set our things on fire by leaving it unattended.”

“Tell Luykas to come in if you see him,” she said, closing the bedroom door.

Bryn went to his knees in front of her, wrapping his arms around her waist. His mouth played games with her body, worshipping her. She growled as the first orgasm rolled through her. Bryn was a smart male, lying back for her to climb on top of once she was ready.

“Do you know how sexy it is to hear you talk about killing people for me?” she asked softly, lowering herself on him. She moaned as she took all of him, resting into one of her favorite positions.

“If I knew it was this sexy, I would have done it more often. I’ll keep it in mind.”

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