The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,151

meant to be. Between them, they might win. There was a chance they could make a new path.

On the other hand, she knew he wouldn’t. Alchan made it very clear in the way he explained it. Females could gain the power of his family, not males, and he would not try.

My king would do it. My king would do whatever is necessary to save his people.

“Let’s get to your part because I’m decided. I’m not going to test the will of Lariana. I can do more while I’m alive than I can when I’m dead.” He spoke with finality, and it killed something in Mave. “Kristanya has never named an Avatar, and she will probably kill you for even asking. She’s always been a goddess legendary for her temper. She’s considered the strongest by those well versed in our pantheon. Lariana only barely keeps her in line in my opinion, though most people disagree with me about that. A mortal asking for a piece of her power?” He laughed, more bitter than she had ever heard it. “I don’t care what relationship you have with her, she will probably kill you.”

“Probably leaves space for the possibility she might not,” Mave said softly. “I need this, Alchan. One person can’t win a war, no matter how much I want it to be that way. But…this could be a chance.”

“I can’t stop you. Actually, I can, but it would ruin our friendship. It would break our bond. Your husbands could ruin their marriages with you if they forced you to stay. Are you really going to ask us to stand between you and your own death?”

“Then don’t stop me,” she told him plainly.

“I would rather you hate me to your very last breath than to send you to your death,” Alchan hissed. “I’m sure all your husbands feel the same.”

“And you would doom our people. My life is not worth more than theirs. If I have to go to the very edge in the hopes of finding something that could help us win, I will do it. Try to stop me all you want, but when this wing is healed, I am leaving. I’m going to do everything in my power to not only save our people but to be worthy of this love and respect you give me every day when you call me your Champion. There is no way for me to win this war and keep everyone I love alive.” She took a deep breath. “But there might be. There might be a way, and I won’t stop until I have exhausted every effort. I won’t be your Champion again until I see this through.”

“You won’t be Champion if you die trying,” he whispered.

“I won’t be worthy of the title if I never try at all,” she retorted. She decided to aim for his heart. “And no king is worthy of me if he’s not willing to take the same risks.”

Mave had never hurt this male before. She had said things and done things that pissed him off, but she had never hurt him. Their understanding had always been one that didn’t lead to them truly hurting each other. They argued, but they never went for the kill.

Mave had gone for the kill and had deeply wounded him.

He sat down slowly, staring at her with wide eyes, his chest heaving as if he was trying to keep breathing, even though he was dying—the last gasping breaths of a dead man. She had seen them before.

She let the tears fill her eyes as the battle lines were drawn.

She was willing to break the family in half over this. She was willing to cut the Company in two. She was willing to leave him alone at the top.

“My king would do whatever is necessary, and so would his Champion.”

Alchan leaned over, covering his face. “Please, Mave.”

“We’re already dying in Anden, Alchan. Be my king. Be the king I have thought you to be, the only ruler I have ever wanted to serve.” She stepped back from him, hoping he listened. “In two weeks, the binding for my wing will come off, and I will go on the road. I’ll make the preparations myself. I’ll go alone if my husbands are against my plan, but I will go, and none of you can stop me. I have to do this.”

“Why?” he asked softly.

“Because even she thinks we’re going to lose, and I’ll be damned if I prove that fucking goddess right. I Copyright 2016 - 2024