The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,150

stupid idea?”


“Wait, the priest has an idea, and you haven’t brought it to the table? We’re losing. We need every plan we can come up with!” Kenav snapped. Both Mave and Alchan growled at him.

“It has nothing to do with our forces. It’s something else entirely and doesn’t concern anyone here except Mave and me.”

“Oh.” Kenav stepped back, lifting his hands.

“Let’s go talk in my home,” Alchan ordered, pointing at her. “Everyone, we’ll reconvene tomorrow. This is going to be a long argument between me and my Champion.”

They left together, leaving Alchan’s advisors standing in shock.

“That didn’t sound good. I should have phrased it differently,” Alchan muttered. “They’re going to think we’re fucking now.”

“I caught that, but they can keep their rumors. It’s never going to happen,” Mave said simply, shaking her head.

“You’re right. It’s not. I can’t stand you on the best of days. They’re hoping I produce an heir this spring. They think it’s the only hope…Sadly, they might be right.”

Mave didn’t answer that because it wasn’t true. She had a way now. Varon gave her one.

If I had told him about the dreams, would I have learned earlier? Could I have avoided Kian’s death? Could I still feel worthy of the trust Alchan puts in me as his Champion?

When they entered Alchan’s home, they found Emerian there with Nevyn and Varon.

“Shit,” she said softly as Alchan snarled at the three of them. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Neither of you is allowed in my home,” Alchan snapped at the couple. “Get the fuck out.”

Varon’s hands started moving very slowly as if he was scared of risking Alchan’s temper after being clearly thrown out.

“Mave, did you read the letter?”

“Yes,” she confirmed.

Varon nodded, then led Nevyn out. Emerian stayed.

“Go watch the door,” Mave ordered him. He nodded and left, as well.

“Lady Lilliana? Rain?” Alchan called. “I need the house clear for a moment!”

Both of them showed up from the back room, looked between them, and decided it was best to do as Alchan asked. Rain did stop to kiss his husband’s cheek. Mave waved as they left.

Finally alone, Mave turned on her king.

“I want to climb the Mountain and beseech Kristanya to make me her Avatar.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” Alchan muttered, glaring at her. “You don’t know what Varon has asked you to do, and I hate him for putting this insane idea in your head. I should have taken that letter while you slept and burned it.”

“So, he did tell you,” Mave said, nodding, glad she had guessed right. “Why did he tell you?”

“He wants me to do something I can’t,” Alchan said softly, sitting down. “No matter how much I want to, I don’t know if it would help anything.”

“What is it?”

“Become the Avatar of Lariana like the queens who have ruled before me. Every one of them had that power behind them. No males, though. It’s a role only for the true female descendants of Lariana. Her natural-born daughters. I’m her natural-born son. She’ll kill me if I try, and she has killed previous sons of her bloodline before for being so arrogant that they felt they were worthy.” He shook his head. “Powers unimaginable lie in the hands of our queens. She is so dominant, one can only meet her eyes if she allows it. Very few are even remotely strong enough to do it without her permission, then they bend on her command, anyway. She’s not just the ruler of the Andinna, she is the ruler of Anden. Lariana created both the Andinna and the wyverns. Her daughters rule them both. That was how my grandmother stopped the initial invasion of the Elvasi, you know. No one speaks of it, unable to believe it truly happened, but my grandmother called the wyverns to war. It nearly killed her, and she was an elderly woman. She could never do it again. Lariana will never give that power to a male. The goddesses of our pantheon are particular. She wants daughters, and there are none right now.”

“But I think you’re worthy. Look at everything you’ve done for our people. You could try! Make her see reason. Kristanya told me she was not infallible. I’m certain none of them are. They’re riding the same winds we are. If the options are giving power to us or letting the Andinna die out, I’m sure they’ll understand!” On one hand, Mave was elated. Alchan also could get stronger. He could become the king he was Copyright 2016 - 2024