Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,33

the woman who had welcomed her as a daughter twenty-seven years ago. The woman who’d been a widow herself nearly all of those years. Would she understand that not every woman wanted to live life alone for decades spread in front of her?

“Well? Have you nothing to say?”

“I will always love Al.”

Marietta nodded, but she made a tumbling motion with her hands. Keep talking.

“But I’ve recently met Katri’s dad, Charlie, and... I sort of like him. He’s a true gentleman. He’s funny and kind and thoughtful.”

“And you are falling in love,” Marietta said softly.

“I don’t know. Maybe? It is much too early to know, but I... I’m open to it.” Winnie searched her mother-in-law’s face. “How do you feel about that?”

“You ask me?”

“I do. I value your opinion, your insights. I don’t wish to make you unhappy.”

Marietta cupped Winnie’s jaw with one trembling, veined hand. “Oh, Winnifred. It was a blessed day when my Alberto brought you home to meet his parents. You have been a ray of sunshine in my life all these years and brought me five more sunbeams. I am honored that you would ask an old woman her feelings.”

Not quite an answer. Winnie clasped Marietta’s hand.

“Your own parents live so far from here. I would like to meet this man and see for myself. Not because I do not trust you, but because I value you, and I do not want to lose you in my life.”

“Thanks, Mamma. I promise to bring him for coffee one day soon. But please rest assured, I’m not going anywhere. You will always be part of my life, no matter what.”

Tears glistened in Marietta’s eyes as they gazed at each other.

Then a throat cleared. “Ready for coffee?” Kenna stood in the doorway, holding a tray, looking from one to the other.

How much had she overheard?

Chapter Thirteen

It hadn’t taken Charlie long to convince Winnie to let him sit with her for the church Christmas pageant. To be fair, she’d only hesitated for a few seconds before agreeing. Had the slight pause been because of her children? Because of Al’s family? Or what?

Because Charlie wasn’t a kid. Not that he’d ever been the kind to hold back when he recognized opportunities in the path ahead. He’d chosen his college major early and decisively. The same with marrying Julia. With climbing the corporate ladder. Okay, maybe his focused pursuit hadn’t always stood in his best interest, long term, but all of that had been before he met Jesus.

And before he met Winnie.

He settled into the padded chair toward the back of the sanctuary, allowing his arm to press against Winnie’s. Gabriella sat on the other side of her mom, but the rest of the brood was off in the wings waiting for their turns onstage. He recognized the Santoro brothers as well as others around them from the coffee truck.

“I like your church,” he whispered, pressing closer. And he did. It was a lot smaller than where he’d been attending, but he could feel the sense of family and community. Not just the Santoro clan, either. Plus, the pastor had preached on choosing joy this morning as part of his advent sermon series. Good, solid teaching.

“Me, too.” She smiled at him.

Just then the spotlights brightened on the stage. Charlie made out Brittany crouching in front of it, beckoning as toddlers ran out.

Somehow Charlie’s fingers twined with Winnie’s on her leg as he watched one group after another perform. If anyone noticed neither of them clapped, he didn’t care. Finally, the teens crowded the platform and sang a couple of carols. Landon seemed right into it, but beside him, Michael barely moved his lips.

Charlie rubbed the back of Winnie’s hand with his thumb. She leaned against him just a little more, even as she pulled in her lower lip.

Then Brittany joined two other young women on the stage. By her looks, one must be a Santoro cousin, while the other was blond and petite. Off to the side, several men began singing a song Charlie hadn’t heard before. What would Christmas be without Christ? The three women mimed and danced to the music. At the close, Winnie pulled her hand free and joined others to stand and clap. Charlie could get in with that, for sure.

While the group held their final pose, Pastor Tomas came onstage to thank everyone for coming and welcome them to the fellowship hall for refreshments.

On cue, Charlie’s stomach gurgled. Winnie’d brought several large containers of treats, plus he hadn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024