Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,34

had a chance to see the hall yet. They’d be using that space for some of the wedding activities in May.

He captured Winnie’s hand again as they eased from the row into the melee leaving the auditorium. He’d take her cue from her, though. If she didn’t want to broadcast their new relationship quite that blatantly, he wouldn’t push her. But he was ready for the world to know. Her world. He sensed Al’s brothers were okay with his presence. Did anyone else count?

Besides Michael. But the teen was nowhere to be seen.

Downstairs, Winnie introduced him to so many people his brain swirled. He was accustomed to remembering names, but this... this was a lot. Everyone seemed to smile, though, or give Winnie a meaningful grin. So far, so good.

And then she turned and dropped his hand. “Mamma!”

What? Who? He’d thought her parents lived in Florida. Surely she’d have mentioned if they were visiting over the holidays. He turned to see a plump elderly woman assessing him shrewdly. Also, not smiling.

“Mamma, I’d like you to meet Charlie Jalonen, Katri’s father. Charlie, this is my mother-in-law, Marietta Santoro.”

She hadn’t put that relationship in the past tense. She said it like death couldn’t sever her from Al’s family. And maybe it couldn’t, as close of neighbors as they all were. As close as all the brothers and cousins seemed to be.

Charlie extended his hand and met the older woman’s gaze. “I’m pleased to meet you, Mrs. Santoro.”

“Marietta.” She eyed him for a long moment before accepting his handshake. “I have heard of you.”

He bet she had. He gave her his best smile. “All good, I hope.”

Her eyebrows rose slightly. “So confident.”

Was that supposed to put him in his place? Because he was already in his place, right beside Winnie. “God works in mysterious ways.”

“He does.” She studied him a moment longer. “Winnie, did you bring the cranberry biscotti? Because your recipe is my favorite. Don’t tell Genevera I said so.”

“I did. And I made extra for you. I’ll bring it by one day this week.”

“Gracia.” Marietta looked back at Charlie. “And bring this man to meet an old lady.”

“Sure. I’ll have to see when he’s got a free afternoon.” Winnie kissed the air on either side of the woman’s face. “I’ll let you know.”

As she pulled Charlie toward the dessert tables, she leaned closer and whispered, “Chinese five spice.”

“What?” He chuckled, though he wasn’t sure why.

“My secret ingredient. Don’t tell Marietta.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. But now I need to try this most amazing biscotti.”

“There’s so much else to enjoy tonight. I’ll send biscotti home with you later. Adriana always makes these super-delicious sugar cookies. You need to try those. And Hailey and Kass do something scrumptious for frosting on their chocolate peppermint cookies. To die for. Then there’s Fran’s—”

“Winnie?” He hardly noticed the crowd around them, but he needed to keep it in mind.

“Yes?” Her brown eyes flew to meet his, just as Gabby popped up beside her. “Mom? May I borrow the van? A bunch of us are going over to Morley’s for cheesecake.”

Charlie leaned closer. “I can see your mother home.”

“I bet you can.” Gabriella smirked. “Mom?”

“I... sure. The boys will probably walk, anyway.”

“Landon’s coming with me, and I saw Squeak — I mean, Mikey — with Sam Diaz.”

This was sounding better and better. Charlie owed Gabby one.

“Would you like to come in for a few minutes?” It seemed the right thing to say, even though the church concert hadn’t exactly been a date. On Friday night, the boys had come in from youth group before she and Charlie’d had a chance to remove their boots. Landon had joined them at the kitchen island for a bit before Charlie excused himself.

Winnie’d been a bit disappointed, but that was silly. What had she been hoping for? A first-date kiss? Even now, in Charlie’s still-cold sportscar, she felt a blush coming on at the thought. Okay, yes, she’d be up for a kiss. She liked Charlie, and there wasn’t any reason to keep him at a distance. Not that he’d pushed any boundaries.

“I’d love to.” His gaze met hers across the car’s sumptuous interior. “Stay put, and I’ll come around for you.”

She waited for him to open her door. He then gathered the empty containers from the backseat while she unlocked the house. Thankfully the house was cozy after the chilly church basement and a drive too short to warm the car.

Charlie slipped her coat off her shoulders and hung it.

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