Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,32

Bible Church. Tomorrow morning couldn’t come soon enough.

Winnie tapped on Marietta’s door and let herself in. A few months ago, Winnie’s mother-in-law’s nurse seemed shocked and put-out when no one waited for her to answer the door. Mind you, Kenna had been uptight about pretty much everything back then but, after a lot of prayer and some romance therapy — Winnie grinned, thinking of the deepening relationship between her chef nephew, Tony, and the nurse — Kenna had relaxed and gone with the flow.

“Mamma!” Winnie bent and kissed Marietta on both cheeks. “You’re looking well today.” Sure, she’d seen the older woman at church this morning but, once she’d caught sight of Charlie rising from a seat on the other side of the sanctuary, she’d hightailed it out of there as quickly as she could. She hadn’t expected to see him chatting with Franco and Genevera, and it unnerved her.

Marietta scowled at Kenna, who’d appeared in the kitchen doorway. “I told you I’m fine.”

Uh oh. What had Winnie walked into? She raised her eyebrows at the nurse.

Kenna sighed. “Yes, you are doing much better, but that doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you when I move out.”

Marietta shifted in her chair. They’d finally been able to get rid of the wheelchair just a couple of weeks ago. The spill Marietta had taken four months back had left her with multiple fractures. The recovery had been long and arduous and turned the already opinionated woman into a rather cantankerous one.

What, what had Kenna said? She was moving out? That had been up in the air last she heard. Winnie turned to her. “You must have landed the job!”

A small smile lit the other woman’s face. “I did, but I’m thinking of turning it down.”

Marietta looked out the window and mumbled under her breath.

“Isn’t this at the long-term care home? Wasn’t this the opening you’ve been waiting for?”

“Yes, but...” Kenna gave a significant nod to Marietta.

“Didn’t the physiotherapist give Mamma the all-clear?”

“But she still needs help.”

Winnie took a deep breath. “I’m less than two blocks away, and I’ll come by often. So will Grace and Genevera and Betta. Don’t worry about her, Kenna. We’ll take care of her. And Tony will still be living in Mamma’s basement suite even when you move back to your apartment, won’t he?”

Kenna’s cheeks pinked at the mention of her boyfriend. “But he’s so busy with the restaurant.”

“But, but, but,” mumbled Marietta. “That’s all she has to say. An argument for everything.”

Winnie chuckled. “We’re so thankful for the care you’ve given Mamma these past few months. I don’t know what we would have done without you. Right, Mamma?”

“Yes, of course.” The old woman sighed. “But I’m ready for my own space again. I am done with all the hovering.”

“Now, don’t be ungrateful.” Winnie patted Marietta’s hand. “If it hadn’t been for your injuries, Tony wouldn’t have met Kenna. And, more importantly, Kenna wouldn’t have met Jesus. God has His reasons for allowing hardship. Romans 8:28—”

“Yes, yes. ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ That doesn’t mean I enjoyed all the pain.”

“Me, neither,” Winnie said softly.

Marietta’s hand covered hers. “I’m sorry, child. I am a petulant old woman and forget others suffer, too. And you, Kenna. It has not been easy.”

That was an understatement. Kenna’s childhood and her marriage to an older man, an alcoholic, had created major bulwarks that were only recently coming down, thanks to Jesus and Tony. And maybe Winnie had played a small role.

Kenna crouched beside Marietta’s chair. “You’re forgiven. Can I be forgiven for worrying about you? It’s been my job.”

“Yes, yes, but enough now. You will move to your apartment and you will like your new job and you will go with Tony to visit his parents for Christmas. I will not be alone.”

What would Winnie’s holidays look like? Dom and Katri would be home later that week. She should invite Charlie for Christmas Day, though. No one should be alone at Christmas. Not Charlie. Not Marietta. But was she ready for them together? Winnie swallowed hard. “You won’t be. You’ll spend the day with me and the kids.”

Marietta’s eyebrows rose. “You will not be too busy? I have heard rumors.”

Of course, she had. “Rumors?” Wow, that sounded weak.

Kenna chuckled and rose. “Coffee, Winnie? And Gen brought some biscotti over.”

“Sounds lovely. Thank you.” As the nurse left the room, Winnie turned back to Marietta, Copyright 2016 - 2024