Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,83

song, he dipped me back, his hands holding me as I slowly lifted my eyes to his, finding them filled with naked heat pooling in their endless depths. He slowly pulled me up, holding me close until his forehead pressed against mine.

“Cole is off-limits tonight, Remington. I suggest you choose someone wisely,” he swallowed, stepping back to watch me. I struggled to control the emotion that dancing with him had created within me.

I opened my mouth to tell him that I wanted him, but a blonde woman stepped in front of me, tying her ribbon to his wrist while he held my stare. My throat bobbed, and I smiled tightly, turning to flee the dance floor. I stopped in front of the bar, slowly calming the burning inferno of jealousy and need rushing through me.

“You do realize that if you don’t tie your ribbon to his wrist, he can’t agree to be yours, right?” Nyx muttered from beside me, leaning over the bar to gain the attention of the bartender. “Also, you ran away before lighting the fire, so you’re going to have to go back and finish the job with him,” she said, turning to look pointedly at me. “I suggest you tie your ribbon to him then.”

I peered over my shoulder, watching Rhys, who stared at me through the crowd as women continued tying their ribbons onto his arms. Snorting, I rolled my eyes before turning back to tell the bartender what I wanted, asking if it was possible to get the entire bottle now. He chuckled like I was cute, and I stared at him without cracking a smile.

“Yeah, she’s serious,” Nyx chuckled and turned, exhaling. “Hey, Rhys, nice turnout tonight, don’t ya think?”

“Indeed, very nice turnout, but then they’re here to see Remington,” he said, grabbing my hand, turning me to look at him. “I need you.”

I swallowed against the warmth his words filled me with and then groaned out loud as I realized he meant to light the fire of Beltane. I nodded, allowing Rhys to pull me toward the large fire pit as people watched us. We stopped in front of a torch, and he handed me a candle, and together we touched the wicks against the flickering flame before turning to drop the candles into the large pit.

I turned to speak to Rhys, but he was already moving away from me to stand beside an ethereal brunette who smiled coyly when he reached her. Scanning the room, I noted several people were openly pointing and speaking about me and my odd complexion that they were strangely fascinated over.

Worrying my lip, I walked away from the fire, heading back to the bar. I accepted my glass that Nyx held out, downing it in one swig before placing it on the bar and nodding to the bartender for another. Nyx moved away when someone asked her to dance, and I spun around, watching her, noticing others were staring at me.

Illeron, one of Rhys’s brothers, stopped in front of me, placing his hands on the bar behind me, caging me against it. His dark blue eyes swept over my face, studying me as I stared back silently. His dark head leaned closer, forcing me to lean back, watching a cruel smile play over his mouth. He dragged his nose against my throat, slowly moving it to press against my ear.

“Is your pussy really that good? You have both my brothers drooling over your cunt, so it must be magical to have ensnared them so deeply. I wonder if you’d let me fuck you too, so that I could make an educated opinion about it as well? Can I fuck you too, Silversmith whore?” he asked as I shook, closing my eyes. His hand slid to my side and closed around my breast until I yelped in pain.

“I have not fucked either of them, so no. You may not fuck me either, Van Helsing. You can, however, get the fuck off of me. I am not a whore, nor do I intend to be shared among brothers for yours or their enjoyment. Excuse me,” I said, and yet he didn’t budge from where he pressed me against the bar.

People had stopped what they’d been doing to watch us together. My heart thundered against my chest, and panic was sinking in while his knee lifted, pressing against my apex as he nipped my ear, growling against it.

“Illeron, have you still not figured out how to tell when a

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