Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,84

lady isn’t interested in your cock, brother?” Cole asked, sliding in beside me. The moment Illeron started to back up, Cole pulled me in front of him, wrapping his arms around, resting his chin on my shoulder, daring his brother to argue with him for me.

“She’s already fucking both of you. Why not share her with the rest of us?” Illeron asked, lifting a drink to his lips, glaring coldly at me.

“Oh, my. Do you feel left out again? I mean, you did always go after our discarded pussy when we’d finished with it. Here’s the thing, brother. Remington hasn’t slept with any of us yet. Therefore, we’re not finished with her. It’s Beltane, and there’s pussy everywhere. Go find one that will gift you her ribbon willingly. This isn’t the medieval times where you can order a woman to hand you their ribbon. Now go, before I forget you’re my brother and that you’re one of the few I actually like.”

I watched Illeron until he disappeared into the crowd of people, finding Rhys watching me as a woman brushed her fingers against his chest. I turned my attention to Cole, crawling off his lap and grabbing the drink in front of him, downing its contents as I ignored the crowd’s curious stares.

“Are you okay, Remi?” Cole asked, slipping his hand around me. He pulled me into the heat of his body, cupping my cheek before his eyes searched my face.

“I’m fine,” I muttered, closing my eyes before peering up at the sky filled with stars. The night sky was always soothing to me, even as a child.

“Dance with me, Sunshine,” he said, grabbing the whiskey glass from my hand and placing it on the bar. Cole pulled me behind him out onto the dance floor, smiling at the worried expression on my face. Once there, he slipped his arms around my back, slowly moving us to the beat of the music. My hands lifted to rest against his chest, and he smiled when I leaned my head there too, resting it for a moment and closing my eyes. “You’re the most beautiful woman here tonight, and yet you look the most miserable, Remington. Tonight is a celebration of life. Stop caring what everyone else is thinking or doing. Just be you, and you’ll be perfect,” he whispered against my hair, inhaling deeply.

I opened my eyes, looking over Cole’s shoulder, locking eyes with Rhys, who glared at me from the opposite side of the room. The tick in his jaw hammered against his cheek, and his arms crossed over his muscular chest, displaying a multitude of ribbons on each wrist.

He wasn’t happy that I was dancing with Cole, but he’d left me on my own tonight. So far, the only people who had approached me were his brothers. I looked away from Rhys, staring up at Cole, who also watched Rhys. I parted my lips to speak, and he lowered his mouth, claiming mine in a sinfully wicked kiss that stunned me speechless.

Cole didn’t simply kiss. He fucked you with his tongue, leaving you dazed and struck stupid as you tried to figure out what the hell had just happened. I moaned against his lips, sliding my hands up his back, feeling his muscles tensing beneath my touch. Tilting my head for better access, Cole slid his hand to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss while barring any retreat.

He devoured me until I was trembling against his lips while he deepened the kiss further. Something brushed against my back, and then arms wrapped around me, pulling me back from Cole’s mouth as a soft cry of regret escaped my throat.

I was pulled from the dance floor while Cole remained on it, canting his head to the side, watching Rhys yank me toward the shadows. Rhys slammed me against the wall and slapped his hands against it, on either side of my head. He caged me in as I peered up into his angry azure gaze. My hand lifted, touching my swollen lips from Cole’s dominating kiss.

“What are you doing, Remington?” he demanded icily, glaring as I continued touching my lips. He grabbed my hands, pushing them above my head, leaning closer. He kissed me hard and fast until I was moaning against him, easily erasing Cole from my mind. “Kiss him again, and you’ll learn what voyeurism is when I rip your dress off and show all my guests how prettily you cry out as you come for

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