Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,82

their way to the courtyard.

“Rhys wants you, Remi. It’s as simple and complicated as that. The issue is, he’s the alpha.”

“He doesn’t want me like that anymore. If he did, he’d have finished one of the times he started, but he’d rather answer the door or whatever, and leave me needlessly hanging.”

“He’s alpha, Remi. It’s his job to be available to people who need him. He must continue being the alpha because his brothers are all cold bastards and would let a war begin. Rhys wants to stop it from happening. I understand what he is doing, even if he did go about it horribly wrong. As your best friend, I know you understand it too. You’ve seen what creatures like us do to humans, and if we go to war, they will suffer needlessly.”

“It doesn’t make it easier for me that I was thrown into this shit hazardously. I have no choice in anything I do, and Rhys uses my age against me to trap me into positions that I shouldn’t be.”

We paused as we entered the courtyard, silently taking in the multitude of people talking and drinking already. I swallowed down the urge to tuck tail and go back to my room and hide. The knights closed in behind, preventing my retreat and anyone else from moving onto the stairs as I began to descend.

The steward announced my name, and the entire assembly went silent. I exhaled a shaky breath, taking in the eyes that examined me. I moved my feet carefully down the stairs, and locked eyes with Rhys, who stared at me as if I was the only woman in the room. I focused on getting to him without falling and breaking my neck.

“How uncomfortable is it to know that everyone here wants to murder you?” Nyx asked, and I almost missed a step, turning my wide eyes toward her.

“It wasn’t until you mentioned it,” I groaned, turning to look at Rhys, who was now glaring at Nyx. “Let’s try not to say it too loudly. I am sure some people in the back didn’t hear you.”

“Well, I mean, not everyone wants you dead. I don’t,” Nyx chuckled as we stopped in front of Rhys and Acyn, both bowing at their waist, lifting to offer their elbows to escort us into the courtyard.

“You are stunning tonight, Remington,” Rhys whispered against my ear.

“You clean up pretty good too, Van Helsing.”

“Were you ever taught to dance?”

“I can dance,” I swallowed, noting he was heading straight toward the dance floor, and all around us, couples were following our lead.

“Good, because everyone is watching you.” Rhys stopped in the middle of the floor, turning toward me as he smirked devilishly.

I paused to look around, noting that everyone was watching us. He held his hands up, and I placed mine against them, waiting for the music to begin. The moment it did, he closed the distance between our bodies, sliding one arm behind my back. He slowly turned us toward the others on the dance floor, moving forward before turning me yet again.

“What dance is this?” I asked, panic slowly sinking in.

Rhys didn’t answer. Instead, he turned toward me, encircling my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. His eyes watched me, lowering to my throat to see my wildly racing pulse. There was a wicked smile playing on his mouth, but his eyes slid to something over my shoulder.

The music changed, as if whoever controlled the tempo noted that we’d changed dances. It was a slow song, one that allowed Rhys to move us fluidly across the dance floor. His hand reached up to mine, claiming it before he spun me around and yanked me back until I was flush against his warmth.

“You’re safe, woman. No one here will touch you tonight. Not unless you wish it to be so, Love,” he whispered into my ear, and then lifted me into the air while holding my waist.

Rhys stared up at me through heated eyes, my hands held on to his shoulders, and slowly, so very slowly, he lowered me to the floor. Smiling boyishly, he grabbed my hand, spinning me around the moment my feet touched the floor. He danced like it was a battle, one he raged against me as we spun around, coming body to body repeatedly. His mouth would lower precariously close to mine, but he’d move away every time I lifted on my toes to claim his lips. On the last few notes of the

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