Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,68

ammo ready for the operatives that actually hunted down vampires. My fingers tapped on the side panel and seemed to annoy Rhys, who continually swerved until I stopped.

Turning, I silently took in his angry profile. His bone structure was perfectly asymmetrical, with the five o’clock shadow that normally wasn’t there. “Where’s Nyx?” I asked curiously.

“Being taught a lesson as to why you don’t run from Van Helsings,” he said without looking away from the road.

“Excuse me?” I demanded, turning to face him.

“She’s being punished. Do you need me to spell it out for you? She hasn’t complained about it, and Acyn seemed rather inclined to show her that she couldn’t escape him.” He snorted as I huffed, crossing my arms to stare at him as we drove through the estate gates.

“Take me to her now,” I hissed.

“You sure?” he asked, and when I just continued glaring at him, he shook his dark head and exited the car, moving around it to open my door. “I’m not sure you want to know what Acyn’s punishments include, Remington.”

“Now!” I demanded, following his stare toward the house.

He shrugged as if it didn’t bother him one way or the other and started forward. We entered the silent house, and I followed him until he leaned against the wall, nodding at a door. I opened it just as a scream ripped from Nyx’s throat, stopping dead in my tracks as my eyes rounded.

Cole was holding her up as Acyn moved behind her, both of them buried in her body. Cole turned dark eyes on me, slowly letting them drift down my body with open hunger. Cole’s body rippled with power as he spread her body further, showing me his thick cock in the process. My teeth worried my lip, and my heated stare slid up the heavily tattooed muscular build of his body. Nyx screamed, her noises mixed with pleasure and pain as Acyn slammed into her, turning his blue depths to stare at me.

“Either strip and join us or get the fuck out, Silversmith,” Acyn growled.

I slammed my hand over my eyes, realizing I was watching the threesome happening with open curiosity. “So much dick,” I groaned, moving to the wall beside Rhys, who reached around me, peering into the room before closing the door.

“Curious little thing, aren’t you, Remi?” he asked, turning to stare at me with glowing blue eyes. “Would you like to be punished?”

My eyebrows hiked to my hairline as my mouth opened and closed. I was stuck in a house of sex! He stepped closer, cupping my cheek as he inhaled my scent. His hand released my face to push against the wall as he pinned me between his arms.

“Can I spread you apart and fill you, wrapping you around my cock until you’re in pain? I bet those other boys you let play with you never made you ache as they fucked you, did they?” he asked, lowering his mouth to kiss the side of my neck as he captured my hands, pinning them above my head.

Rhys’s mouth brushed over mine, and I chased it even though he held it out of reach. Pushing my legs apart with his knees, he used his other hand to lift me, urging me to wrap my legs around him. His groan echoed through me as he walked us down the hallway, and I continued chasing his mouth, which he never allowed me to have. It wasn’t until my teeth caught his lip, nipping it and pulling against it that he smiled, opening the bedroom door and entering it.

Rhys closed the door, pressing me against it hard. He lifted the oversized shirt above my head, cupping my breasts as he claimed my mouth hungrily. He spun me around, still held against him with my legs wrapped around his waist, slowly lowering me to the bed. My hands slid down his body, untucking his shirt as I worked to get him bared to my touch.

He pulled away, breaking the kiss long enough to peel the shirt off, tossing it aside as he captured my hands, holding them in his much larger one above my head. He sucked on my neck, laughing darkly while I rocked against him, eagerly needing him to hurry it along before some other asshole knocked on the door.

Rhys rose, staring down at me, pulling the sweatpants down and noticing the lack of panties. He smirked, lowering his mouth to kiss my stomach. His eyes lifted, holding mine as his fingers

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