Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,69

pushed into my body, and I cried out at the fullness they created. I rocked against him, needing him to strip and give me what I really desired and wanted from him.

Dark laughter brushed against my flesh, sending his heated breath fanning against my core. He sat back, and I leaned forward, working his pants to free him, and when he was, I kissed the thick top of his cock, lifting my eyes to hold his as he brushed the hair away from my face. My hand cradled him, wrapping around his length. I took him into my mouth as he groaned, pulling my mouth away from his cock.

“Not this time, little giver. I plan to give,” he instructed. “You get to take.”

“Hurry,” I groaned, laying back to spread my legs to show him my need.

His hand smothered over his mouth, and he pushed his pants down, stepping out of them. Rhys pushed my legs apart and, pinned my hands against my belly as he settled between my thighs. Leaning over, he clamped his heated mouth over one nipple and sucked hard. I moaned loudly, rocking my hips with a need that threatened to burn me to nothing more than ashes.

His fingers slid over my opening, and I shivered, claiming his mouth as it brushed against mine. He groaned, turning his head as footsteps sounded in the hallway. Sitting up, he shook his head, lining our bodies up as someone pounded against the door.

“No, no fucking way!” I groaned. “If that is Cole, I will skewer him myself!” Rhys laughed wickedly, slowly rubbing his cock against my opening while his heated eyes noted my body’s need glistened against his cock.

“Van Helsing, your family is here!”

“Fuck!” Rhys growled, standing up. “Bloody hell.”

I sat up. “Get your dick back here!”

He turned, looking at the plea burning in my stare before he grabbed his pants, pulling out his phone. The sound of Nyx screaming out her pleasure filled the phone as he snorted.

“Tell the nymph to shut the fuck up for a goddamn bloody minute. They’re here, get the fuck out of her pussy, and meet me in the hall,” Rhys hissed, ending the call to move back toward me. “We’re not finished, Remi.”

“You could finish it now,” I replied, but the look in his eyes told me he wouldn’t. I exhaled, moving out of the bedroom, wrapped in his blanket. “The universe hates me,” I groaned, resting my head against the counter as he moved into the bathroom, starting the water.

“My family is here, Remington. They won’t be kind to you. It would be best to stay close to me, Acyn, or Cole from now until they leave. Understand me, Love?” He turned, staring at me with a frown. When I nodded, he smirked, coming to a stop before me as he pushed the blanket away from my body and lifted me onto the counter. “You are so beautiful, woman,” he growled, cupping my cheeks as he held my mouth in place to claim it.

“You don’t need flattery for a yes, Rhys,” I whispered against his mouth, nipping his bottom lip while he pushed my thighs apart, slowly delving his fingers into my body as I moaned against his mouth.

“I don’t want a quick fuck from you,” he whispered, pulling his mouth away from mine. “I want you in every way possible. I want to show you what it is like to be with a man. I want to taste you come on the tip of my tongue and feel your body tightening as you come around me. I don’t want to just bend you over and fuck you like some dirty little feeder. I want you to know what it is like to be with me as I watch those pretty blue eyes grow wide with wonder as you come undone for me and me alone. Five minutes isn’t long enough to make you feel owned or wanted. I want that for you, and while I could easily spread you apart and fuck you hard enough that we both come in moments, you would feel used, and that isn’t something I ever want you to feel from me.”

“I hate you right now,” I groaned, leaning my head against his shoulder as the bedroom door opened, and Cole moved into the bathroom doorway, watching as Rhys and I both turned to stare at him. Rhys added a finger, and I gasped, burying my face in his shoulder.

“Pretty, so bloody pretty,” Cole muttered

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