Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,67

as the wolf tended to my wound. It was awkward and disgusting, but the moment he’d started licking my head, the dull throb had relieved. When Conrad finished, he stepped back, uncaring that he was naked in front of us.

More wolves escaped the woods, mid-shift to human as bones cracking and reforming sounded in the meadow. A woman silently made her way to where I stood, lifting a dainty nose in the air before glaring at me. Her hand moved toward the alpha with a territorial look as she began stroking his hard erection in front of us. His head fell back and rolled on his shoulders before his eyes turned to hold mine. I swallowed, uncomfortable with the blatant erotic scene unfolding.

She dropped to her knees, intending to do more, but he growled, and she bared her teeth at him, growling back. Other women slinked out of the woods, joining her to caress him, and he smiled at the blush filling my cheeks.

“She’s young, Van Helsing.”

“Very young,” Rhys agreed, pulling me against him as one of the women moved toward me. “She’s mine, Caroline. Remington is off-limits.”

“She’s beautiful and smells unsatisfied. I can help her,” Caroline offered, her hand moving to her large breasts.

“She isn’t interested in being an omega to your pack,” Rhys snorted and lifted his eyes to the last female who entered the clearing, moving directly toward Rhys with purpose. She lifted on tiptoes when she reached him, kissing Rhys with wild abandonment, causing my brows to rise and a growl to build in my throat. Rhys didn’t kiss her back, but he didn’t stop her either. “Abigail,” he grunted as she tried to push her hand into his pants.

“I’ve missed you coming to find me when I am in heat, hunter,” she purred, turning her stare to me as it dripped with indifference. “I want to fuck.”

“I’m busy,” Rhys said, pulling me against him. “See that you come to Beltane, and bring your bitches. I’m sure everyone will eagerly welcome them, MacGregor.”

“You know I don’t like sharing my bitches.”

“You can’t fuck them all on Beltane, asshole. Let’s go, Remington,” Rhys stated, grabbing my wrist painfully, which told me he was a little hot over me kneeing him. “You ever do that again, and I’ll pull your pants down and spank your ass until I’m confident that you’ve learned your lesson, or maybe I’ll leave you to the wolves.”

“I’m not a child,” I muttered. “Honestly, you should have seen it coming. And I can handle wolves on my own. I don’t need saving. I could have talked it down, or done something.”

“You would have ended up pinned to the ground, fucked into submission, and then eaten for trespassing on their land. Those bitches would have picked their teeth clean with your bones,” he growled. When I snorted, he turned, moving in a direction as if he had changed his mind.

“No!” I cried out, pulling his arm as he stopped, turning angry azure eyes on me. “I don’t even know if I like doggie style.” What the fuck? Did Nyx just really come out of my mouth? I had to stop listening to her talk when it was about sex.

His lips twitched as his eyes narrowed on me. “You’ll figure that one out soon enough. I’ve imagined your pretty thighs parted, and me holding you apart as I fuck you from behind. You’ll come for me like a bitch in heat when I fuck you like that.”

“You imagine me being fucked… by you?” I stammered as he walked me backward until my back touched against a tree.

“Indeed, Love. I have dreamed of little else since meeting you. I’d show you, but you seem to have left my balls in my stomach and killed my erection. Now fucking walk, because the others are starting to assume I have beaten you into submission, and are giving us privacy so that I can fuck you.”

“Oh,” I frowned, turning on my heel to stare into the woods. “My sense of direction in the forest isn’t great,” I groaned. He smiled, threading his fingers through mine as he directed me out of the meadow, where the cars waited. “I didn’t make it very far, did I?” I muttered.

“No, but it was cute that you thought you could outrun me.”

Chapter Nineteen

I drove back to the estate with Rhys in silence, sulking at my inability to give him a decent chase. Of course, my job at E.V.I.E. had been to create weapons and make

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