Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,61

hushed tone, and I ignored them. What Cole said earlier ran through my head and worried me.

I didn’t assume I’d end up falling for Rhys. But then, people didn’t ever plan to do anything so stupid. If I were being honest, I wouldn’t admit to wanting him if asked. The thing was, I only wanted him for a one-night stand, and if Cole had been trying to sway me from that course, he hadn’t.

My eyes closed as the car moved down the highway toward a housing development still in the midst of being built. I’d actually considered buying one of the condos for when I came to visit my mother, but quickly squashed the idea when I saw the hefty price tag that came with the yearly maintenance fees.

A light caught my eye as a whistling noise filled the night. I sat up, watching as it sailed toward us. My eyes rounded, and my mouth opened to scream out a warning, but it was too late. The car was struck, and began flipping non-stop until it finally came to a rest, upside-down.

My ears rang as screaming sounded. The muffled noises reached my brain as I watched Cole and Acyn, righting their large frames in the car. Cole withdrew his phone, punching in a code before shoving it back into his pocket. Hands grabbed me and pulled me out of the bent, twisted metal. The scent of fire singed my nose, and I gasped as everything went silent. Acyn set a dazed Nyx beside me, reaching into the car, ripping the seats apart as he produced blades.

“Remington, are you alright?” Cole asked, studying my face between his large hands. “Answer me, woman! Dammit!” he snapped. Peering down at his glowing pocket, Cole withdrew the phone, staring up at Acyn, who watched the direction from where the missile had come. “She’s alive, asshole. Hurt, but alive. Yeah, I fucking know it isn’t good. Send a fucking team and get us the fuck out of here now.” Cole hung up the phone and touched the side of my head, causing me to wince.

Shouting started from nearby, and Cole growled, leaning into the burning car, withdrawing a pair of wicked looking blades. What the hell? We’d been sitting on an arsenal of weapons without knowing it!

“Do not move, do you understand me?” Cole warned, his eyes sliding to the side of my head, where I could feel a throb and wetness. “Bloody hell, that looks bad.”

“They’re not going anywhere, but we’re about to be fucking surrounded, Nikolas. Let’s release some steam, brother,” Acyn chuckled. The sound of the wickedness in his tone sent a shiver racing up my spine.

The moment the brothers were out of sight, I turned, finding Nyx glaring at me. Her tawny head shook as she looked in the direction the men had gone. She frowned, moving her attention from my eyes to the side of my head that dripped blood.

“You’re going to make me run, aren’t you?” she asked, and I nodded, wincing at the pain. “He has a really nice cock, Remi. It’s a shame to abandon it. It’s tough to find a decent looking guy, who actually knows how to use his nice cock.”

“We have to go now,” I grunted, crawling to my knees to watch as the men engaged the creatures swarming them. “They’re outnumbered. If they fall, we’re toast.”

“Can you feel any silver?” she asked, frowning as I shook my head. “Fine, let’s go.”

She moved to me, helping me to my feet as we turned, staring at the vacant condos that were little more than wood structures. Nyx didn’t let go of me, moving into the shadows of the night, slipping behind one of the large buildings to take a breath. Her eyes zeroed in on my head, and her hand lifted, touching the wound.

“We probably should have stayed and let you heal before we made a daring escape from captivity, Remi. Your head looks bad.”

“I’ve had worse before. We need to keep moving.”

She nodded, even though she didn’t look convinced. I swayed on my feet as we ducked inside a building. Cutting through it, we made a run for the woods. Once inside the foliage, Nyx stalled, turning to look over her shoulder.

“Someone is following us, and it’s not a Van Helsing.” She grabbed me, holding up my weight easily, rushing us toward the sound of gurgling water.

At the large body of fast-running water, she twisted and peered through the darkness as we entered the

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