Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,62

creek and began floating. I didn’t need a play-by-play to figure out it was immortals tracking us, and that more than likely, they were doing so by the scent of my wound. I dunked my head beneath the water, using my fingers to scrub the blood away from my scalp. Nyx pulled me with her, moving us toward an overhanging rock that jutted out over the bank.

We slipped beneath it, and I lowered the wounded side of my head into the water to keep the scent moving with the flow of the rushing creek away from our location. Thankfully, we were in Washington, where creeks were the size of rivers in most other states.

“I smell them. One is definitely bleeding.”

“No shit, idiot. The others won’t be able to keep the Van Helsings busy for long. They’re fodder for their blades. We need to find the little bitch now and get the fuck out of here before their alpha shows up. He knows we set the traps to lure him away by now, and I don’t plan on dying over some bitch that may or may not be worth her weight in silver.”

“This way,” the other grunted. “You saw him looking at her. He’s fucked her, or he intends to. You know she won’t allow the little bitch to live long. I say we take her to the cabin and have some fun with her before we hand her over.”

“Are you fucking stupid? You don’t think she’ll notice we fucked her? She’s an alpha. She’d know, and I don’t intend to die over some worthless pussy when the women she gives us to hurt will suffice and fulfill those itches you want to scratch.”

Nyx’s hand tightened on me, her inhuman senses much stronger than mine. She pushed me down the moment I had sucked in air, cutting off whatever they were saying. I watched feet entering the water close to where we hid. Nyx’s body blocked mine, but when the feet turned in our direction, they moved back and appeared to be struggling to stay upright. The bodies slid beneath the water, stirring up unsettled algae from the creek’s bottom, marring the ability to see anything.

More feet moved through the water, pausing to turn in our direction before turning back the opposite direction. My heart echoed in my ears, and my lungs began to burn from holding my breath. I lifted from the water, silently inhaling before slowly dropping back beneath the surface, watching the feet pause before moving toward us again.

We didn’t move, not even when they were inches away. Wet jeans brushed against my shoulder before the male exited from the other side of the creek bank. I pushed from the water silently, ensuring I didn’t disturb it, sucking air into my starving lungs.

My teeth threatened to give us away from the ice-cold water sinking into my bones. My fingers and legs were going numb, but we didn’t dare leave the water. Instead, we let our survival training kick in, huddling together, waiting within the chilled creek for time to pass. Eventually, we became numb to the cold, and it no longer bothered us as hypothermia became a real fear.

When dawn started to rise, Nyx dragged me to the far side of the bank, pulling me out of the water. I shivered, staring at up her as she dropped to her knees, crying out as she landed.

“I’m a fucking prune,” she groaned. “My vagina probably looks like a ninety-year vag right now!”

“We have to find somewhere to hide and change out of these wet clothes.”

“I smell men, which means there’s more than likely a cabin someplace close to the creek. They smell like fish, so I’m guessing they’re here on a fishing trip instead of hunting. Come on, let’s move. You do know I could be riding some good dick right now. Instead, I have a wrinkly pussy, and we’re in the middle of Nowhere, USA, in the woods.”

“It won’t be wrinkly as soon as it dries, hooker.”

“Slut, I saw you, eye-humping Rhys, more than a few times. I know you want to ride him. I can smell you when you’re turned on, woman. Remember, nymph here. I know all about sex. I’m like a sex addict, with a master’s degree in human needs. You even look at a man with lust, my high beams go hard, and my instinct is to get to your prey before you reach that goal. So, I know things before you even know

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