Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,60

considering the current need and state of my body. I’d been messed with more in the last few days than in my entire life put together.

“Once Acyn comes, we’ll head to the house,” Cole muttered. The groaning and unsexy noises grew louder. “Finish your drink, she’s about to use her power to drain his balls.”

Cole pulled out his phone, smiling at whatever flashed across his screen before he pushed it back into his pocket. He pulled out a fat cigar, cutting off the end before he lit it. The sickly sweet scent of tobacco filled the bar. I turned my attention to the embers at the end of it. Exhaling, he puffed a cloud of smoke into the air, forcing my eyes to his lips as he licked them slowly. My eyes moved to his reflection in the mirror behind the bar, watching galaxies move in his eyes as he grinned.

“Or we can find a room here, and you can show me how those pouty lips of yours look around my cock, Remington.”

I lifted my drink, downing it as I felt the alcohol catching up to me. Cole smiled before taking another puff of the thick cigar. “Chicken. I bet you shocked the shit out of Rhys when he woke up with your pretty lips wrapped around him. Rhys seems whole, Remington. But he isn’t. He doesn’t allow anyone to get past the shields he erected over his heart after what Roslyn did to us. She fucked us harder than anyone else ever had. The moment he fucks you, his interest will wane, and you’ll be another broken-hearted female he’ll add to his long list. Of all of us that Roslyn toyed with, she fucked Rhys the hardest. He was the loyal knight who jumped when she called, doing what she asked without question. Rhys loved her. He thought she wanted to marry him and make a life and give him children.”

“But not you?” I asked softly, watching the darkness pooling in his gaze.

“I knew she was a monster. I was okay with that. I was okay with her fucking my brothers and her obsession to conquer the entire Van Helsing male population with her loose cunt. Rhys, though, he loved that evil bitch even though I don’t think he realized it until after she’d died. When she helped her father murder our mother, Rhys was the one she used to lure Mother to them, and then she made it known to the world that our mom died because Rhys Van Helsing was weak and unable to deny her anything. I hated him for it, but not because of Roslyn.” Cole swallowed, lifting his drink before he took another drag from the cigar.

“Our mother was gentle and everything beautiful. Rhys thinks I hate him because he was her knight, but I never wanted to be a knight. I wanted to be a monster, and in that aspect, I got my wish. I hated him because he couldn’t see who that evil whore was, not even after I proved it by fucking her in front of him and bringing women and men for her to use while she made him watch without joining. Don’t get me wrong, Sunshine. We’re all fucked up, and we enjoy what we’ve become. Rhys took it as a punishment and has refused to allow his other half out to play. He was always the better man, the knight who needed to save the world. Roslyn just exploited it and him until he faced the truth. Rhys will fuck you, and when he’s finished, he’ll walk away because he’s Rhys Van Helsing, and to punish himself, he won’t let anyone love him again. I, on the other hand, will be waiting to catch you after you fall, Silversmith. I’m always the second choice, and I’ve learned to live with it.”

“You should never be anyone’s second choice, Cole. Nobody should ever settle for second place, because you are someone’s first choice. You just have to find her.” I studied the way his eyes tightened, and he shook his head.

“Just don’t fall in love with him. He isn’t interested in more than a one-night stand. I don’t want to see you fall and end up hurt, little one. And those who fall for Rhys, they always fall the hardest.”

Chapter Seventeen

We piled into the stretch limo, and I leaned my head against Nyx’s as the car lurched forward in the direction of the estate. Cole spoke to Acyn in a

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