Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,59

my lips and downing it in a single drink. I regretted it instantly as the brain freeze hit. I rubbed my forehead, turning to Rhys as his phone chimed again, and his eyes lifted over my shoulder to hold Cole’s.

“Take her home, and try not to molest her, at least until Beltane, Nikolas. I have matters that need my immediate attention, Remi. I’ll see you later at home,” he said absently. “You sleep in my room now. Your things were moved earlier today.”

“No, thank you.” I snorted, nodding toward the bartender for another drink.

“You’ve had enough alcohol. If you drink any more, you won’t be able to walk. Since Nikolas has left a mess of creatures mucking up my streets for me to handle, you’ll more than likely need your wits until I return to you.”

“Did you get the part where I said, no thank you? Or are you choosing to ignore me?” I answered pointedly, watching his eyes lift from his phone to hold mine.

“The bed in the room you slept in is broken and tossed into the trash until a new one is ordered. Unless you’d prefer to sleep with Cole in the guest chambers, my bed will have to suffice. I am not willing to compromise your propriety or force you to do anything you don’t wish to do, Remington. Cole, on the other hand, would use his magic to create an illusion where you’d be unable to tell fiction from fact, and you’d wake up in a compromised position.”

“Like when I woke up sucking your cock?” I asked, enjoying Cole’s choking as his drink went down the wrong pipe.

“Indeed. Exactly like that.”

“So the difference would be what, exactly?”

“I warned you that you didn’t have to do that for me. He’d enjoy it, and you’d end up waking to Cole doing much more than I would have allowed to happen without your consent.” Rhys pushed his phone into his pocket, lowering his eyes briefly to my mouth, then lifted them once more to hold mine in silent challenge, daring me to argue with him.

“So you didn’t enjoy it?” I asked, narrowing my eyes to the heat burning in his pretty azure gaze. He swallowed, smiling wickedly as he gave me a pointed look.

“I came for you, didn’t I?”

“Indeed, you did. That isn’t the point. Any bitch can make a man come; men are easy like that. The question wasn’t whether you came; it was whether you enjoyed it?”

His eyes moved up and down my face before he chose his words. “I’ve thought of little else than the feel of your pretty pink lips wrapped around my cock since you smiled with my erection between them. Is that what you wanted to know? If you’re asking me if I crave those soft lips around my cock again, Remi, I assure you that the answer is yes.”

I swallowed as heat pooled in my core, which clenched as his lips curved into a sexy smirk. He stepped closer, wrapping his fingers through the hair on my nape, and brought his mouth flush against my ear.

“I intend to finish what we started earlier when I get home tonight. I hope to find you naked and waiting for my return. If you’re asleep, I’ll take that as your denial, and wait for you to be ready to accept this thing between us, woman,” he whispered huskily, the gravel embedded in his tone running against my flesh. “Please be naked and waiting, so that I can give you what you crave, and what we both need.”

He dragged his soft lips over my cheek, slowly releasing me. Rhys gave me a pointed stare before turning and walking away. I watched him as the knights at the bar entrance turned and walked out behind him, disappearing into the night. My eyes slid from where he’d vanished to Nyx, bent over a table with Acyn behind her.

“That escalated quickly,” Cole muttered as he chuckled. “Looks like it’s gonna be just you and me tonight, Sunshine. Unlike Rhys, I don’t think you’ve had nearly enough to drink yet.”

I exhaled a shuddered breath, grabbing my cup to turn away from the couple going at it, uncaring that everyone here could see them. Of course, it was just me, Cole, and the bartender now, but still. Talk about a hussy. Freaking nymphs, they had one goal, and that was to get off, however, wherever they could. If only life could be so simple. I was almost jealous of her,

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