Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,94

and gripped my shoulders. As big as he was though, his touch was still gentle, and I felt it, that tension coiling tight between us, pulling so taught it was on the verge of snapping.

“How do you know I wasn’t going to choose you?”

“I couldn’t take that chance because the moment you do make that choice, you and I are going to need to do something about it.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

His grip tightened ever so slightly. “You and I have unfinished business. So tell me right now, are you choosing me? Come what may, are you making that choice?”

I knew he was right. I’d known it when I came here.

Despite my anger, despite him keeping Dex’s cheating from me, despite the humiliation that burned in my chest, I had already chosen. Over the course of the last month, I had been choosing; I just hadn’t known it. I met his gaze and licked my lips nervously. “I’m choosing you.”

The words tore out of him in a low growl. “About fucking time.”



I’d wanted her for so long, I had no idea where to start.

But she was standing in front of me, her lips slightly parted, and something in me shattered.

Your self-control.

My fingers digging into her flesh as I pulled her closer. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

“Ben…” Her voice was pleading.

“Fuuuck.” A groan ripped out of my mouth seconds before I crushed my lips to hers. We were far beyond exploratory and had tripped into desperate territory. A spike of electricity wound around my spine and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop until I’d had my fill.

Livy moaned, molding her body against mine. Her lips were so damn soft, her tongue meeting mine tentatively at first. It wasn’t until her hands tightened in my shirt that I lost full handle on the situation.

I growled, sliding my hands into her curls, tightening my grip and angling her head so I could sink in deeper.

She accommodated me by parting her lips. That angel that had been on my shoulder before, the one telling me I couldn’t do this, telling me where the line was, telling me to keep her safe…well, the devil killed that angel. One deep and stroking lick into her mouth, and I eviscerated the line.

She tasted so good. A little spicy, and a little sweet, and all Olivia. The little mewling sound she made at the back of her throat just drove me further. And I couldn’t think. I couldn’t process that she was really mine now.

My lips refusing to leave hers, I backed her up out of the closet and into my room. I’d never had another woman in here, but I knew just how many feet it was to my bed. My mouth still owning hers, my hands slid down her back, over her arse, and then I hoisted her up onto my bed.

God, she was so tiny and delicate in comparison to me. So soft in comparison to my sharp edges. I had to remind myself that I had to find some bloody control. It didn’t matter how much I shook with need, I needed to take my time.

Yeah, good luck with that.

My cock throbbed as she parted her thighs to make room for me. Christ—yeah, right fucking there. Behind my zipper, I throbbed, begging for freedom. Desperate to seek out her heat.

Her tongue met mine in a slide of wet, silky warmth as she rocked her hips into mine. Every tick of her hips was a call. Could she feel how hard I was. Could she feel just big I was? Was she wondering if I’d fit?

Jesus Christ, why was she so—

The moment she scored her nails in my hair and over my scalp, a shiver of need rocketed through my body. The molten lava spread through my veins, singeing nerve endings as it went. When she sucked on my tongue, I bit back a curse.

My hands dug into her flesh. I needed more. Wanted more. It was either touch her or spontaneously combust. Sliding a hand under the soft cotton of her top, my fingertips skimmed the supple flesh of her belly. So soft.

With every brush of my hand, she trembled then arched her hips.

We’ll get there, darling.

But she had to be ready first. And while she thought she was there, I needed her clawing and climbing the walls first.

When my fingertips traced over the edge of her bra, she arched her back, giving me better access. I teased the underside of her breast Copyright 2016 - 2024