Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,95

and her breathing came in shallow breaths as I stroked closer to her nipple.

She tore her lips from mine. “Damn, it, just—”

I shut her up with another soul-searing kiss, my thumb tracing over her nipple in slow deliberate circles.

When I finally pulled away from the kiss, it was to nip at her jaw with open-mouth kisses. “You can try to drive this train all you want, Liv, but I’m at the wheel, and I plan on taking the long way around. I’ve been dreaming about this since I met you.”


“Hmmm?” Gently, I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.


“It’s only fair that I torture you half as much as you’ve been torturing me.” Kissing along the column of her throat, I murmured, “Do you know that all day I’ve been thinking about you, your tits, your taste. They are the perfect color of honey.”

I kissed down her neck, to her clavicle. “I need you to do something for me, Liv.”

“Anything,” she whispered on a groan.

“Strip,” I barely managed to grind out. “If I strip you, you won’t have any clothes left.”

Livy dragged heavy lids open and blinked up at me before licking her lips. “You take them off.”

I narrowed my gaze. “You don’t like that pretty blouse?” It was a simple white tunic with long sleeves that cuffed with a delicate pearl button at the wrist and a neckline that was almost indecent. Certainly not office attire. But fucking attire, absolutely.

I smirked down at her as I gripped her thighs. I forced myself to loosen my grip. I didn’t want her having bruises on my account.

“I don’t want you holding back from me. We’ve had enough of that.”

“Suit yourself,” I said while undoing my buttons quickly. I lost a few to my impatience before tossing the shirt aside. Studying her blouse, I tried to find a simple way to take it off, but there wasn’t one. “Fuck it,” I muttered as I ripped it.

The flimsy fabric tore in my hands like it was nothing, bearing her mauvy pink lace bra. There was no finesse left in me when I leaned over and dragged one of the cups down with my teeth.

As I trailed an open-mouth kiss over her collarbone and down the center of her chest, she kept trying to hold me in place.

When my lips finally wrapped around the sensitive tip, sucking it deep, she threw her head back and groaned. Livy’s hands threaded into my hair, holding my head in place. Then she scored her hands down and over my back, leaving a trail of desire on my skin.

I swirled my tongue over the milk chocolate tip of her nipple, and she arched her back on a low moan. “Ben, oh my God.” Her hands fisted in my hair and tugged enough to give me some pain with the pleasure.

“Fuuuck. You naughty thing.”

Releasing her breast with a pop, I backed out from between her thighs. When she protested, I hooked my hands behind her knees and pulled her forward, bringing her to her feet.

My voice was guttural and hoarse when I spoke. “Bend over.”


Holy hell.

The ice blue of his eyes were now a searing electric blue. My eyes were wide when I met his gaze, but then I turned slowly and complied.

Impatiently, with rough hands, he yanked down my leggings and lace panties until they slid over my hips, dragging them down my legs. “Step out of them.”

My hands shook as I slowly tried to turn around. “B-Ben?”

“Shhhh, bend over kitten. I might die if I can’t taste you. What do you say? Can I have a little taste?”

A shiver ran over my body as I leaned over his enormous bed. I felt vulnerable and exposed and… sexy. The way he looked at me, I thought I might combust. It helped knowing I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. I’d seen his hands tremble.

He caressed my back gently, sliding over my skin, then possessively palming my ass. “Open for me, love.”

A flush of heat cascaded over my body, but I did what he asked, widening my stance for him.

The first brush of his tongue had me gasping. The next pulled a moan from deep inside me. But when his hands dug into the flesh of my ass and he lapped at me, my sounds became unintelligible. Who needed words, honestly?

He made this moaning sound of satisfaction as he licked and sucked. His thumb stroked my slit, coating it in my juices. When he pressed on my Copyright 2016 - 2024