The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,72

ears. She looked Connor up and down.

“Did I put something on wrong?”

“No, Mr. Moore. Not at all, you look very handsome. You’re going to take everyone’s breath away.”

The tuxedo transformed Connor from an attractive eighteen-year-old kid to a head-turning secret agent. He fixed his hair the way Laren had shown him, and shaved his face.

Morrigan took the bowtie from him and wove her adept fingers through the material.

Chin up, Connor stared at the ceiling. He was getting nervous as the time for his interview approached. You can do this. You know what you are now. You know what you’re supposed to do, he told himself.

“There, perfect.” Morrigan took a step back to examine her work. “Are you ready?”


The castle was alive with last-minute preparations. At this point, everyone knew Connor’s face. Word spread like wildfire since the trial, when the Council declared him a Judge. Servers passed by staring, some were even bold enough to say hello or venture a handshake. It was humbling and a bit empowering at the same moment. Morrigan quickly maneuvered around these exchanges politely, informing them they were on their way to an interview and couldn’t be late. She led him to a side door and stopped before she went in. “Do you need a minute?”

“No, it’s like a band aid. I just want to pull it off and get it over with.”

“Remember who you know yourself to be. Be honest and the rest will take care of itself. I’ll be there in the front row. Take your time, there’s no rush.”

Connor nodded, readying himself for the chaos he knew would ensue as soon as she turned the doorknob.

Whatever Connor was expecting, he was wrong. It was a zoo. As he entered the room, camera lights went off in such a quick succession it sounded like machine gun fire. Dozens of reporters all spoke at once, begging him to answer their, and only their, questions. Morrigan gave them all smiles and led Connor to a podium that was arranged for the interview. An interview that now seemed more like a press conference at the White House.

“Please, will everyone be seated?” Adolpho’s voice was heard via microphone from the podium.

With a reassuring smile, Morrigan left Connor standing next to Adolpho. “There’s no reason to behave like a pack of wild animals. I’m sure Mr. Moore will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. As was discussed, we’ll start left to right, beginning in the back. Each reporter may ask two questions, and for the sake of time, if your question has already been asked, please don’t ask it again.”

The small room died down. Reporters were dressed in tuxedos and gowns, obviously attending the banquet celebration, eager to ask their “ground breaking” question. The only noise now was the steady clicking of cameras.

Adolpho leaned in next to Connor and whispered, “A bit of advice. If you start getting nervous or freeze, just imagine them all as chubby puppies.”

Connor looked at him, confused.

“Don’t ask me why. It’s worked for me for centuries.”

With that comment, Adolpho stepped down and took his seat next to Morrigan. Connor felt as though he was a valued object up for bid, everyone eyeing him and deciding how much he was worth.

An elderly man in the back broke the silence. “Mr. Moore, do you believe that you are the next Judge that will fulfill the prophecy?”

“Yes—and yes. Those were both of your questions, right?”

The room giggled at his boyish remark. “Yes, Mr. Moore,” the elderly man smiled. “I’m done.”

“One down.” Connor meant to say this under his breath, however he was standing too close to the microphone and it picked up his internal pep talk.

The room laughed again. The next reporter was a young woman with curly red hair and cheerful amber eyes. “Mr. Moore, if you do think you’re the Judge of prophecy, and are going to save us from this impending doom, what doom do you think is coming?”

Connor couldn’t help thinking of whoever Faust was talking to that night he’d spied on him. He couldn’t say that, though. “I don’t know. What I do know is that whatever it is, when it comes, I’ll be ready.”

A few reporters smiled and even more heads nodded in approval.

“And my second question is: are you prepared for the Tests?”

“I’m ready and able to do whatever it takes to prove to you who I am and what I’m capable of.”

The young lady thanked him and took her seat, giving the floor to Copyright 2016 - 2024