The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,73

a burly man that looked as though he had eaten too many jelly doughnuts.

“Mr, Moore—”

It was the fourth time Connor was addressed as “Mr.” that night and he couldn’t help cutting in. “You can just call me Connor. That goes for everyone.”

The room exploded in smiles. Connor gave them a sheepish grin as the man began again. “Well, then, Connor, we understand that you have been recently turned, awakening the dormant Elite gene. How have you been handling the change?”

Connor leaned into the microphone. “I feel like a superhero.”

Morrigan told him to be honest, and at his answer, the room erupted in laughter. Connor won them all over within a few minutes by being himself.

The remaining questions seemed to last forever; questions about his childhood, what he thought about his father’s imprisonment. One middle-aged woman, who was wearing a revealing dress, even asked if he was single.

When the last reporter finished asking their two questions, Adolpho rose to take the stand. “Thank you, Connor. I believe there is a celebration being held in your honor next door. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please follow us, the night is about to begin.”


EACH ELITE IN THE ROOM was invited next door to take part in the celebration.

An orchestra played classical music as they entered the brightly lit ballroom. It was the size of a football stadium and still, it was packed with people. Everybody wore their best. After all, it was a once in a lifetime event—even for them. Rich paintings and drapes covered the walls and the carpet was spotless.

Connor felt as though he was in a dream. It was the type of event one only heard about. Circular tables were set up around the room to provide seating if anyone so desired, and serving stations filled with every type of gourmet food imaginable were never far away.

Everyone turned to look as Connor entered the room and he was immediately engulfed in a wave of excitement. He was introduced to so many people it was impossible to remember all of their names. They were full of smiles and support. He was given counsel on the Tests, words of wisdom about what he may encounter, and a plethora of other advice he didn’t ask for.

It was during one of these talks, as a violet-eyed, self-proclaimed warrior was instructing him on a preferred fighting style, that Connor saw her.

She was impossible to miss. Every male and female head turned as she walked past.

“Excuse me,” Connor said politely to the young man.

She saw him walking towards her and smiled. “They finally decided I wasn’t a threat and let me out of my room.”

“Perfect timing. Kat, you look great.”

She looked down at her strapless sparkling blue gown. “Do you think so? They got it for me when I asked if I could come to the ball. They had to let the waistline out a few inches. I’ve been stress eating, locked up in my room.”

“Well, you’re out now. How are you dealing with the—the change?”

“Well, I guess about as well as I can. I have a Transition Coach, it sounds more like I’m moving than my anatomy is changing. She’s nice, though, and every day I think I’m better able to deal with—” she looked around the room, “—all of this.”

“It’s a big change, although it does have its perks. I mean not every eighteen-year-old can heal instantaneously or lift a bus, right?”

“Maybe someday I’ll be there,” she laughed. “For now, my instructor is content teaching me how to hear what I want to hear and be able to tune everything else out. When it first started, I was picking up every sound and it was driving me crazy.” She looked at him with a teasing smile. “I’m sure you got the hang of things much faster than I did. You always were a quick learner.”

“I guess. Somehow I always knew I was different. I never imagined anything even close to the truth.”

“Yeah, I always had a feeling you were special. I had no idea that you were special on a prophetic level.”

“I guess so. That’s all to be determined with the Tests, right?”

“Connor, are you doubting yourself?”

“I want to believe it and I know that most everyone already believes in me. There’s just something inside, a little voice that asks, ‘what if they’re wrong?’”

“You’re not wrong. Tell that voice to shove it. You’re going to get through this and when you come back, we’re going to pick up right where we left Copyright 2016 - 2024