The Beast Within (The Elite Series) - By Jonathan Yanez Page 0,71

his feet and tumbled awkwardly to the side.

Laren rushed over. “Are you okay, Connor?”

Connor rolled onto his back, covered in leaves and dirt, holding onto the limp form of the squirrel. “I did it.”

“Yes, you did. Starting to believe in yourself a little bit more?”

Laren helped him up and he gave her a boyish grin. “Yeah, I guess so. Now let’s eat.”

It was as he was preparing the fire that Laren showed her pride on his advancement.

“You’ve accomplished in two lessons what would have taken a normal Elite months to master. That’s great, Connor. How do you feel?”

“Alive. Everything’s starting to click. I can tap into that power inside me now, I just have to make sure I can turn it off just as easily.”

“I agree, you want it in short spurts. Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness if we let it consume us and lose control.”

The next day went by much too fast. That morning, Morrigan informed Connor that Katie was granted access to the castle with strict orders not to leave the grounds. She also told him of the events that were going to be held that night in his honor. Since there hadn’t been a Judge challenged in such a long time, everyone was somewhat hazy on the exact etiquette of how the ceremony should proceed. History demanded a celebration, in today’s world, that meant Connor would be interviewed by a group of reporters and then taken to a celebratory dinner.

Sessions with Lu and Laren were shortened to give Connor time to prepare for the night’s events. Lu was happy with his student’s progress, only wishing they had more time to go over weapons training. He consoled himself by telling Connor, “Oh well, if you need a weapon, grab the biggest thing next to you and throw it at your enemy.”

Likewise, Laren was thrilled with his advancement in only three lessons, but regretted not having more time.

The evening found Connor in the shower with Morrigan shouting directions to him from the other side of the door. It was beginning to become a routine.

“Some of the reporters may try and stump you or ask you off-the-wall questions. Remember, take your time, and you always have the option of replying with no comment.”

Connor was nervous and couldn’t help thinking that with such a big night ahead, he should be terrified. A room full of cameras and journalists all looking at him, not only for answers, but possibly for their lives if they believed in the prophecy. He would have been more nervous except something had happened in the last few days. Connor knew he was different. He knew he belonged here, and he was beginning to believe he was the Judge that was foretold. He was as strong as Lu, as fast as Laren, and this was only after three days.

“I hung your tuxedo on the hook behind the door.”

“Tuxedo?” Connor shut off the water and started drying himself.

“Yes, tuxedo. What did you think you would be wearing? Converse and a V-neck?”

Connor unzipped the garment bag, he had never seen a tuxedo before. At all his high school dances and proms, Connor had been content to wear his one suit or just a pair of slacks and a shirt and tie. He knew how hard his mother worked at the shop and couldn’t justify spending money on things that weren’t really that important to him. Any extra money from the job he worked aside from the shop either went to his mother or a savings account.

The tuxedo was stunning. Connor was never one to keep up with trendy fashions or have expensive clothes. A good pair of running shoes and something portable to play music were all he had ever really wanted. This was a piece of art.

His tuxedo was jet black with a white dress shirt, and black cummerbund and bow tie. The material it was made from felt expensive, the fabric was rich and soft. His black dress shoes were so shiny they were almost blinding when the light hit them.

“Everyone will be at the banquet celebration as well; the Council, politicians, and, well, the richest and most powerful Elites on earth. Just remember to show respect. Also remember that they’re all here to see you.”

Connor walked out of the bathroom, bowtie in hand. “I have no idea how this thing goes on.”

Morrigan was also elegantly dressed in a long, sleeveless purple dress, her hair was pinned up and long silver earrings dangled from her Copyright 2016 - 2024