Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,8

her with anyone else.

She inhales a deep breath, anticipation filling her as she waits for my request. This girl is all nerves, and she has no reason to be. Could it be possible that she doesn’t grasp entirely just how alluring she is to a man like me? It’d be my lucky day if that’s the case. She’s way out of my league, no doubt, but I’m not one to back away from something I want. Here and now, that’s her.

“I’m not trying to pimp you out. It’s far simpler than that.” Her shoulders drop with my chuckle and reassurance. I continue. “Each time you want to bring me money, we have lunch together instead. Hell, we can just chat if you’re not hungry.” Not only am I doing this to secure time with her, but my guess is that she doesn’t have money to go out with. This way, I don’t have to eat alone or with my brothers every damn day, and I know she’s fed as well. Not to mention the perks of breaking down her walls and eventually fucking her. I’m a man. Pussy is always on my mind, even if I attempt to push it toward the back to be respectful. I was already caught up with her last week on the side of the road, but seeing her like this, I’m pretty much enraptured.

“Why would you want to have lunch with me?” Her hands go to her hips. I have no doubt in my mind that this bitch is used to being independent, and with her questions, it tells me she’s used to being the only one taking care of herself. Little spitfire just grows spicier by the moment.

I shrug, moving a step closer. My finger lightly presses under her chin, tipping her head up. She’s fucking magnificent, a breath of fresh air around here. “If I tell you it’s because I’m a man and you’re a beautiful woman, would it be enough? Or would it have you turning heel and running as far from me as possible?”

Her hazel orbs take in my features, studying my face, for what, I haven’t the faintest idea. Lord knows it’s not the face of an honest man. My request and internal thoughts aren’t good intentioned or pure. It’s quite the opposite. I want her naked, bared to me, and sweaty in my bed, screaming my name while I bury my face between her thighs. If I have to come up with a way to eventually break down her walls and get her there, then so be it. I’ll do what I have to. I always have.

She gives in after damn near making me break a sweat in anticipation. “Okay, I can do that. It’s the least I owe you after everything.”

Right. I’ll let her believe she’s obligated to me for as long as possible if it means I get a chance with her. It’s fucked up, I know. It was my fault that my light wasn’t working on that black night. The stupid headlamp had been messing up for the longest time, yet she thinks her car being in the road is the reason for my crash. I like having her in my debt; or, at least, believing she is.

My thumb lightly trails along her chin. I step back, putting much-needed distance between us before I do something stupid, like attempt to kiss her already. That’d definitely scare her off. The skittish thing doesn’t seem to be used to men like me. I can’t believe she had the guts to show up for me around a bunch of unruly bikers at the club in the first place. And dressed like that, to boot. She may come off as a bit naïve, but there’s obviously some courage and strong will in her somewhere, leading her wherever she sees fit. Knowing that makes her even more enticing.

Fuck, I’m going to be in over my head with this one. I can already tell.

“So, what’re we having for lunch then?” I murmur, and she scrambles a bit.

“Right now?”

I nod. “You brought money, and I’m not about to allow you to waste a dress like that.”

Her lips tilt into a surprised smile. She allows a glimpse of her white teeth to show before she manages to tuck that extra bit of sweetness away.

Yep, I see you.

Grabbing her hand, I give it a light tug in the direction of mine and my brothers’ bikes.

“Where are you taking me?”

“For a ride, Sweet Pea. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024