Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,7

bullshit that I’m sure she often receives, with how docile and naive she appears to be.

“Sweet Pea?” I greet with one of the nicknames I’d come up with for her, as I get closer wearing a surprised, but pleased grin. Sweet Pea and Angel are two fitting names for my little road hazard.

She blushes, tucking a long lock of hair behind her ear. She glances at her feet before meeting my eyes. “You’re, uh, Bash, right?”

My smile widens as I nod and reply a bit smugly. “Last time I checked.” Her rosy hue, mixed with my name on her lips, makes my fucking dick hard. She was a beautiful broken mess when I first met her, but this woman before me is absolutely stunning. The type of beautiful that’ll steal your breath or make your chest ache.

“You look different.”

“Oh, right, I’m missing the blood, dirt, and ruined clothes,” I retort with a chuckle. “I’m not the only one who’s different,” I point out. Her long hair has been curled into big, fluffy waves, and she’s got on a light blue sundress. Doesn’t she know that coming here, looking sweet as a fucking Georgia peach, is tempting the very devil in front of her? I flick my gaze from her perfectly layered curls down to her pale pink painted toes and black flip-flops. “You clean up well…really well.” I’ve got to figure out a way to see more of her, that I’m certain of.

She bites her bottom lip, interest reflecting back at me. I’ve pegged it in many women’s gazes, and hers is wide open for me to interpret. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Was that a compliment, Sweet Pea? You flirting, babe?” I tease, repeating the same question she’d asked me as I’d complimented her, half out of it from wrecking.

She shrugs, drawing in a quick breath. “Take it however you want to. I came to bring you this.” She holds her dainty hand toward me. There are two twenties folded in her palm.

My brow raises as confusion fills me. “What’s that for?” Is she expecting to pay me for tightening her battery cable?

Chicks only offer me money for one reason, and it’s because they’re tweaking, looking for drugs. Savannah doesn’t strike me as the type wanting to score some blow. It’s probably one of the reasons why I find her so unbelievably sexy. A bitch with her shit together is hot as all hell. Sure, she was freaked out when I wrecked. That’s understandable, but this woman already admitted to me she’s doing everything she can to pay her bills and put food on her table. It’s too easy for people to just jack off and not care. She tries, and I respect her for it.

“Your motorcycle. I don’t have much…but I promise to give you any extra money I do have. I think I can bring you twenty each day. If my tips are better, then more.”

I can tell by the way she fidgets that she’s embarrassed by this. She needn’t be. I know she can’t make much money working around here on the outskirts of Atlanta. Especially not at that little diner down the road. The place is usually full of coffee drinkers, not hefty tippers. Big money is in the city, and that’s a decent drive from here, depending on how far you gotta go and what the traffic looks like. Besides, I’d rather take repayment in other, more creative ways. “Angel, you have any idea how much my bike cost? Or how much cash I’d need to replace it, for that matter?”

She shakes her head, looking every bit the part of an innocent Southern belle. I want to eat her up—all of her. I’m not so sure she’d survive me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t at least try.

“Think around twenty thousand or so…five or ten more, if I walk away with the brand-new model and no miles on it.”

Her perfect, pouty lips part as she gasps with surprise. “Twenty to twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars?”

Nodding, I latch my stare onto the two bills in her hand and say, “You’d be paying me for years, beautiful. I don’t want to take your money.”

“Why not? What’s wrong with my money?”

My lips tilt into their signature smile as I remark, “Not a damn thing, but I’d like something more.” Her feistiness gives me hope that she wouldn’t wither under my touch. I wonder if she’s ever had it rough. Nah, fuck that, I don’t want to think of Copyright 2016 - 2024