Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,6

Otherwise, it’ll take all of us to get it on a damn trailer. I have a bit of cash saved. I’ll have to look into finding another bike for the time being. This one won’t get me two fucking feet.” I shrug, kicking a rock in the direction of the mangled metal. My neck’s on fire with the stress of it. I’ve ridden this bike for five years, even got it airbrushed all fancy and shit. Had it done by an Oath Keeper called Spin when we rode through Texas a while back. “It’ll be a bit before I have something this nice again, that I don’t doubt.”

“It’s a shame,” he replies.

I grumble, more to myself, chastising, “Fuckin’ headlight! What are the odds I’d run into a broken-down car in the middle of the goddamn road?” My fists clench, the sensation of wanting to lay into something hitting me fiercely. The brothers call me Bash because I have a habit of bashing objects with my fists. I’m not some roided-up psycho or anything, just like to hit things when I’m pissed.

I find my buddy’s number who owns a local tow service and shoot him a text. I include the location and the service I need, so he has a heads-up to bring along help. He replies instantly, and I meet Jinx’s gaze. “He’ll be here in twenty. I appreciate you coming with me.”

He nods, and we leave it at that. This is just a small piece of our brotherhood. We always have someone around when we need ‘em. Having each other’s backs is non-negotiable, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Hey, VP, a chick’s out front asking for you,” North grunts, his voice low and tense. I nod my thanks. I’m used to our enforcer’s gruff demeanor and think nothing of it, as I know it’s not personal. I don’t know much about him. Hell, no one really does, but he’s proved himself around here.

Not sure who’d be asking for me; it’s not like I have regular visitors. It’s been days since the accident, so I’m no longer expecting to see the sweet little thing I wrecked into show up around here. I won’t lie; I’d hoped Savannah would stop through like I’d told her to, but she never did. Yesterday I’d figured that she was probably trying to stay the hell away from me. She’d seen me beating the shit outta my headlight before I dented up her car and was knocked unconscious. I must’ve scared her, and I can’t say I blame her for keeping the distance. If I was in her shoes, I’d probably be doing the same.

Prez flashes me a look on my way out, silently asking who the fuck is coming around. I shrug, not sure what to tell him. We’re not exactly keen on people sniffing around, especially with all the shit we’ve gone through cleaning up his father’s messes. I get why he’s asking. I would be too. I toss my empty Sprite bottle in the trash and take comfort in my weapon, weighing down my holster. I’ve had to shoot my share of twisted fucks. Still, hopefully, this isn’t another one who’ll be taking a bullet courtesy of my forty-five. Although, North said it’s a woman, so I doubt it.

My mouth drops as I hit the parking area and notice who’s waiting there. It’s the innocent angel from my wreck…she finally showed after all. I’ve been referring to her as that in my mind the entire time. When I’d gained consciousness, she was right there, leaning over me, stars twinkling behind her, and I swear to God, I thought she was an angel come to collect my soul. Now that I think of it, I know better than to believe I’d be headed upward. My ass will be dragged straight down to the deep depths of Hell when I finally meet the reaper.

Savannah was a beautiful sobbing mess that night last week, as tears had soaked her creamy flesh. She’d smelled like delicious fried food, too; she was still in her uniform from work. I’m surprised I remember that much. Usually, I’m too busy cataloging tits and ass to see if they’d be decent prospects for Centerfolds or to dip my dick into. With this woman, I can’t seem to go there, to disrespect her like that. She’s a fucking angel, and anyone treating her differently deserves a swift kick to the throat. She’s far too sweet to deal with the Copyright 2016 - 2024