Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,5

to bring that up right now. I need to catch my breath and come up with a plan. This winging it crap has been completely draining me. At some point, everything has to stop and become normal again.

“One of the cables on your battery came off. That’s why your car wasn’t working for you. I put it back in place, but it’ll need to be tightened, so it doesn’t keep happening. If you swing by tomorrow, I can fix it, so it doesn’t leave you stranded again.”

His words tear me from my self-pitying thoughts. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

“Savannah, if I don’t, then someone else needs to. It’ll pop right back off at the first decent-sized bump you hit, and who knows when that’ll be or where. Just get it tightened, or let me do it. At least you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it, really. Where am I taking you, exactly?”

“I was headed home, but you can drop me by my clubhouse instead, as it’s closer. It’s on this road a ways down, at the old fire station. You’ll see the turnoff up ahead on the right with the big garage and whatnot.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, keeping my eyes peeled for it. “Okay.” Moments later, as the silence becomes too much for me to bear, I find myself whispering again. “I’m so sorry for everything.”

“Shit happens, and you obviously needed my help. Sounds to me like there was a reason for me wrecking. No telling what could’ve happened to you out there alone. Someone with shitty intentions could’ve found you. I’m a bit rough around the edges, but I would never hurt you or anything. Guess it was fate’s twisted way of bringing us together.” He points and mutters, “Turn right up here…see the reflector?”

I follow his instructions, veering off, and then follow along until a decent sized building comes into view. There are a few bikes and various trucks parked in front.

“This is your club? A motorcycle club?”

“Yep. You can stop by any time, and I’ll check that battery for you. You find anything else, you let me know, and I’ll see what I can do for you.”

“I-I don’t even know your name,” I admit softly as he opens his door, and the car light illuminates him. He’s still covered in blood and dirt, scratched up with a few tears in his shirt. Yet, he’s offering to help me out. I’m surprised he hasn’t attempted to kill me for ruining his motorcycle and injuring him. I doubt any of the guys I wait on at the restaurant would be this nice to me about making them wreck into my car.

He offers a sexy smirk and confidently offers, “I’m Bash. The Kings of Carnage Vice President, angel.” He winks, and the car door closes swiftly after. I’m left wondering if I’ll ever see the bloody, grinning biker again.


I’m not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example. - Unknown

“It’s fucked…” I mutter to Jinx, my gut clenching at discovering something I love being ruined. He came along to help me with my bike, and I probably should’ve come alone. It’s the first time I’m seeing it in the daylight, and even I know deep down there’s nothing I can do to ride it home today. “Fucking fuck, fuck.”

He shakes his head, expelling a breath. “Don’t know what to tell you…should’ve gotten the light fixed.”

I shoot him a glower in response. We all checked out that fucking headlight. None of us could figure out what was really wrong with it or fix the damn thing for good. It’s embarrassing, to say the least. We ride bikes twenty-four-seven, and a headlight took me out. My brothers will never let me live this down.

“What are you going to do?” he questions as I send a text to North and the prez, giving them a heads up that it’s far too jacked up to ride. They were just relieved to know I survived the accident without getting too busted up. I could’ve died, and Prez would’ve had my head even after the outcome for leaving him to deal with all the old fucked-up club shit. We’ve been friends for a long time, compliments of a game of pool and a few bets. The moody bastard counts on me to have his six, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Guess the only thing there is to do, is have it towed. Copyright 2016 - 2024