Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,9

testing this new motorcycle out, and I have a feeling it’d help me decide to keep it or not if you were on it with me. We can stop and eat on the way…”

I don’t give a fuck about food right now, to be honest. I want her curvy little body pressed against mine, and her arms wrapped tightly around me. I want to hear her scream while the wind is in her hair, and make her feel like she’s flying. I wonder if she’s ever been with a man as free as me. Fuck, there I go again! The last thing I need to think about is another man touching her. Hell, if I don’t stop, I may end up pulling over and finger fucking her until she begs for my cock. That’s not the impression I’m going for today, although I wouldn’t fight it if she were to ask for it.

I turn on some Tom Petty and crank the engine once Savannah’s exactly where I want her, pushed up against my back. The petite, luscious woman wraps her arms around me, tightly holding on as I toe the kickstand up. The breeze allows me to catch hints of her scent, and whatever she’s got on has me gritting my teeth. The angel smells so fucking good, like sunshine and tight, clean pussy. My cock pulses in response, but it’s no use. The prick won’t get anything but my hand or a piece of sweetbutt ass and neither sound appealing when I have this perfect creature up against me.

I make my way out of the MC lot, but it’s not lost on me that I have the attention of every brother. Amusement fills their stares as I hit the gas, and Savannah’s dress goes flying. I guess I should’ve warned her about that happening, but I conveniently forgot. She squeals in surprise, and my laugh grows deeper. The moves combine, and my ribs scream in pain with them. I try to ignore it, to act like I’m fine, but it fucking hurts. Riding alone is painful, but adding in these antics only increases the pain level.

I roll slow for a beat, giving her a chance to tuck the fabric under her thighs. Once her other hand is back in place on my abs, I gun it again. I’d bet good money this is the first time she’s been on the back of a bike, and the knowledge has my alpha silently beating his chest. I need to make sure she never forgets it—or me, for that matter.


A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows she has none. - Marilyn Monroe

Bash is crazy. The man seriously loves speed, and while I was terrified riding on the back of his fancy new motorcycle, I was also completely enthralled. I can certainly see the allure of why these men ride around like fanatics and love their motorcycles so much.

We stopped off on the side of the road, and he asked if I like barbecue. I replied by asking him if the pope was Catholic, and I watched his smile blossom. It was one of the best times I’ve had in a while, and we didn’t even talk much. I had no idea what to say to him, and I didn’t want to risk sounding like a fool. I kept wanting to apologize for the accident, but something inside told me that’s not what he wanted to hear. It was great being at a random place, too, because there weren’t many people around.

We sat at a picnic table and ate a tasty meal, feeling each other out a bit by staying on easy subjects. I talked a little about work and the humidity, and Bash was polite enough to not pressure me for more. I was already on edge being alone with him, as I haven’t dated since before my father was killed. Bash sat back and followed my lead on the conversation, so I ended up enjoying myself more than I’d anticipated. Once we were stuffed full of delicious, tender barbecue, he brought me back to my car without hesitation. The lunch date was short, yet kinda perfect. Was it a date? Is that what I’m considering it? Maybe.

Bash even offered to check my car and tightened my battery cable in place again. Now I’m stuck at work filled with thoughts of him from yesterday, and I don’t really know jack squat about this guy. However, one thing’s for certain…he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024