Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,69

words choke me as I admit my failure.

“No, you don’t understand.” I gaze at her curiously as tears swim in her one eye that she has open. “H-he was cutting through my clothes when you stormed in.”

“Bastard,” I swear. That explains why her shirt was torn apart. I haven’t asked much about yesterday, and the doctor has kept the cops away for the most part so far. Still, I know she hasn’t let me in on all the details that went down between her and Maliki yesterday.

“He was going to r-r-rape me and kill me. You don’t know how perfect your timing was.”

“Christ, Angel.” I breathe. My insides feel like they’re being shredded at that thought. “Goddamn. I wish I could bring him back and torture him for weeks for what he’s done to you. The thought of him threatening to do those things to you, I-I don’t know how to handle that right now without combusting and completely losing my shit.”

She brings her hand to my cheek. “Sebastian, you’re where I need you right now. You’re here, next to me, being my anchor. I would be lost if I didn’t have you with me, truly lost. You can’t keep thinking of what you should’ve done.” Her voice breaks, and she has to stop and swallow a few times before she can quietly continue. “You killed him for me. You saved both of us. I will always love you for what you’ve sacrificed for us.”

“There was no sacrifice, baby, I will do whatever’s necessary to protect you and help you in any way possible. You and our baby. I love you too fucking much to let you go through life without me having your back, precious woman.”

I want to wipe away her tears, but I’m too damn frightened I’ll hurt her even more. I shouldn’t have to worry about my touch harming my woman, but today I do. It’s a lesson I’ll never forget either. Savannah may be strong enough to take care of her problems on her own terms, but one thing is certain, she’ll never have to do it alone again. It’s a silent vow I make to myself and her, as I watch my beautiful woman eventually find sleep. I’m here in case she needs anything, and I won’t ever go anywhere, for as long as she’ll have me.

Two weeks after Savannah’s home from the hospital…

“How’s your woman?” the brothers ask. It’s been two weeks since she’s been back home. I moved her shit to my apartment for the time being. I could tell going back to her place was freaking her out a little too much. It’s only temporary, as I’ve been checking out the paper for any decent local listings. Savannah and my kid deserve more than to be cramped in a tiny one-bedroom apartment.

“Not happy. She still can’t work. The bruising is getting better, but you can still see it through her makeup. The boss said he doesn’t want her in until it’s completely gone, so she doesn’t give customers anything to talk about. I guess he’s determined this had to be a club situation she got dragged into, and he doesn’t want to be affiliated in any way with it. Stupid motherfucker. I wanted to beat his ass, but Sav made me promise to leave him alone.”

Sly scowls. “That’s some shit.”

I nod. “She’s acting like everything’s okay, but I hear her dreaming at night. It’s the whole reason I got her to move out of her apartment and into mine in the first place. She’s a strong woman, but nightmares haunt everyone. Unfortunately, that includes her.”

“She been talking it over with you?” Jinx asks.

I shrug. “Yes and no. I can see her processing shit on and off. She hasn’t wanted to come to the compound, but I’m going to surprise her and bring her. She needs to be around people, some who actually give a fuck.”

Chaos grunts. “No one will mess with her here. She’ll always be safe with us.”

I know, that’s why I want her here. I trust my brothers with my life, and in that sense, my woman’s. “Appreciate that. Thank fuck there wasn’t anything wrong with the baby too. I’ve never been so worried in my life, and I haven’t even met the kid yet.”

Jinx flashes a grin. “It’s only just beginning, brother.”

I meet North’s somber gaze. “You find out anything else on Maliki?”

The brothers perk up at my question, their gaze beating down on North for answers. Being the Copyright 2016 - 2024