Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,70

enforcer, I know I can count on him to take care of any loose ends. We didn’t get much of a chance to prepare for anything since Maliki struck while we were discussing him. “I went by the addresses you gave me, did a little recon. I got rid of a few people at his warehouse, but otherwise, there hasn’t been much else going on. His company is organizing his funeral and shit, but I haven’t found anyone in particular poking around. He had an assistant who’s been arranging the service and having Maliki’s house packed up. The only family I can find is his dead brother and a long-lost cousin. We’ll have to sit and wait a bit, but I don’t anticipate any retaliation. That father you mentioned a while back didn’t check out. He died some time ago as well. Looking closer, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the two prick brothers that offed him.”

I release a tense breath. “Good to know. Hopefully, my woman can finally relax and stop hiding away from now on.”

Chaos murmurs, “She deserves to live her life. Can’t believe she’s been dealin’ with all this like she has. Your ol’ lady is a keeper, brother.”

“Thanks, Prez.” I agree. I wouldn’t give her up for the world. She’s proven herself time and again that she’s exactly the type of strong, but sweet woman I need in my life to help balance me out.

He continues, “Other than keeping an eye on Maliki’s associates, we don’t have much going on this week. Anyone have something to be discussed in church?”

“Centerfolds,” North growls, garnering all of our attention. “I’m going to be over there more this week. I may need a few of you around. Some asshole and his buddies keep stopping in and stirring up trouble.”

Jinx brows shoot up. “They have a lot of fucking nerve.”

Chaos huffs. “We can’t have shit going on at the strip club. We don’t need that headache, being one of the few spots around here that can serve liquor. We don’t want to fuck up any of our chances with our grandfather clause. You know as well as I do, if something goes down and we lose our liquor license, we’ll never get it back for that location.”

North grunts his agreement. “Exactly why I’m nipping that shit in the bud, ASAP.”

“Anyone got an issue with helping out?” Chaos flicks his gaze to each of his officers. None of us speak up. “Anything else we need to discuss?” Again, we’re quiet. “All right, then, church dismissed!” He slams the gavel down, and as the noise reverberates through the space, I quickly stand.

“I’m out, brothers, gotta get back to my woman.” I say my goodbyes and head for the apartment as quickly as possible. Any moment away from Savannah is a moment too long.


Just because I love you, it doesn’t mean I won’t kill you. It just means I’ll bury you in a nice place with flowers and shit. -

Seven weeks later…

“Can’t wait until you can be on the back of my bike again. I miss your fine ass snuggled up to my back, Angel,” Bash rasps as he pulls his Charger into the MC parking lot. It’s a full house with all of his brothers’ bikes parked out front along with a few vehicles I don’t recognize.

“Not sure how often that’ll happen with an infant to tote around.”

He grins and with a shrug, says good-naturedly, “You’re right, Sweet Pea. I should probably trade this in for a bigger cage. You’ll need it hauling our bunch around.”

My heart rate beats wildly in my chest at his words, and I sputter. “B-bunch? Excuse me? We’re having one.”

His smile grows. “Yeah, for now. You really think I can keep my hands—or my dick, for that matter—away from you? You remember what happened the last time my dick got near you, right?”

I point at my stomach and smirk. “Well, no shit, Sherlock.”

He chuckles, shaking his head as he throws the car in park and hops out. Rounding in front of the Charger, he comes to my side and opens my door. He does it all the time, always right by my side to make me feel safe. I love him even more for it too. “How about we strike a deal.”

“Oh, heavens, why am I getting anxiety with this?”

He snickers some more. I love it that my man is always smiling and laughing around me. It makes me feel like I’m doing something right. Copyright 2016 - 2024