Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,68

like seeing hers and the baby’s hearts beating on the screen before me. It gives me a small sense of comfort with the proof they’re still here and alive.

“Come lay with me,” she requests. Comfort washes over me at her invitation, and I do as she asks. I’ll do anything to make her happy now and in the future. We take life for granted too much. Yesterday’s incident was my come-to-Jesus moment. I won’t waste time or take my woman for granted ever. Life is far too fucking precious. People need to wake up and realize it before it’s too late.

Moving slowly and carefully, I crawl into the single size hospital bed. I remain on my side, facing her, attempting to take up as little bit of the space as possible. I slept in this same spot last night, much to the hospital’s dismay. There was no way in hell that they were peeling me away from holding her, no matter how vigilant I had to be not to bump her or whatever. I was overly concerned she’d end up with nightmares, and I wanted to be close so I could console her if she needed me.

“You sure this isn’t hurting you?” I check with her, the same as I did last night and this morning. I’ve been as gentle with her as I can manage.

Savannah’s face is bruised up with a horrifying array of colors, ranging from purplish black to blue. It has me automatically thinking her body is just as bruised up, and I wish I could take her place. Thankfully, the rest of her isn’t as beat up. I’ve seen it with my own eyes when she initially got checked out. I know her creamy flesh is unharmed, aside from bruising on her upper arms and neck, anyhow. Yet, I still fight with the gut-wrenching feeling each time that I glance at her face. My beautiful woman looks nothing like she usually does, and it makes me rabid inside with rage and heartache. I’ve been trying to hide it, but I know my brothers can see right through my charade of calm. I’ve kept up the façade for her. She doesn’t need to witness me any more distraught than she already has.

“I want you close. Please hold me.” She’s been whispering brokenly too.

The doctor didn’t want her attempting to speak at all yesterday. She was so emotionally shaken up, they gave her a mild sedative in the end so they could run as many tests as they needed without disturbing her further. Today she’s been whispering here and there. I asked about her throat when she woke up, and she told us that it still hurts badly. I’ve been giving her ice chips, but I know they can’t take the pain away completely, and it cuts at me that I can’t do more to make her comfortable. The doctor says she’s lucky her vocal cords weren’t damaged when Maliki nearly crushed her throat.

“Anything for you, Angel. Whatever you need, you let me know, and I’ll make it happen.”

She tilts her head to lightly rest her temple against my forehead. My hand instantly seeks out her stomach, protectively resting over the baby. Ever since I saw the ultrasound they did on her yesterday, I can’t stop touching her belly. The baby is tiny, we couldn’t tell the sex yet, but that didn’t matter. The most important thing was everything inside looked like it should, according to the hospital staff. The tot was moving, and there was a strong, quick heartbeat. The tech was cool enough to print us out a few snapshots of our tiny baby bean, and amongst all the terror yesterday, we had a little piece of joy to focus on.

“I love you, Sebastian,” she murmurs, a bit dazed from the last dose of pain killers the doc gave her. He reassured us both the meds wouldn’t hurt the child, and she wouldn’t get much more, so we needn’t worry. I’ve learned that where Savannah and our child is concerned, I will never stop worrying.

“I love you, too. I’m so fucking grateful you two are okay. I’ll never forgive myself for not figuring it out and getting to you sooner.”

She mumbles, “You had no way of knowing. You were already at your club talking to your brothers about how to protect me. Besides, you showed up right when I needed you the most.”

“Judging by him hitting you so many times, you needed me much earlier.” The Copyright 2016 - 2024