Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,67

doc at the club monitor you instead, just say the word. I’ll take care of you. You’re my woman. Mine.” And I mean every word of it, too. These people here are driving me fucking crazy. They won’t tell me shit with what’s going on. I keep stealing her chart to stay updated on everything.

“Sir!” the nurse chirps, further maddening my thoughts, flaring my temper. If she had any idea of what my ol’ lady and I just went through together, she’d keep her space and her thoughts to herself.

I spin on her, getting in her face. “Look, lady, if you think I’m leaving my woman after she was attacked, you’ve got another thing coming!” I rumble, making her jump. “I highly suggest you don’t ask me to fucking leave her again, cause it ain’t happening! I won’t ever leave her.” I’ve been hovering a bit over Savannah, but what can anyone expect. I don’t know if anybody associated with Maliki will be coming after her yet, and I’ll be damned if they get anywhere near her. I won’t be able to breathe easy on it until my club finds out more intel on the piece of shit.

Chaos chuckles, attempting to ease a bit of the tension radiating through the small hospital room. “Ma’am, let’s have a chat.” He interrupts my tirade before I end up with security called on me for tossing the nurse out of my woman’s room.

I know she’s only doing her job, and I commend her for it, but I’m doing mine as well. It’s up to me to protect Savannah, and I haven’t done a good enough job in the past. That changes now. I plan to be within three feet of her the entire stay at this hospital unless one of us is pissing. In that case, I’ll wait on the other side of the door while she handles her business. The staff around here better get used to it and quickly. I didn’t leave last night, and I won’t go today either.

I hear Chaos’s deep tone out in the hallway reverberate through the door. “Savannah Lexington is his ol’ lady. That’s his wife in our world. They’ve been through some serious shit recently if you can’t tell by her face and his overbearingness. Now, I can have my prospect order you folks some dinner or something, courtesy of the club. Try to help make up for his attitude, but I know my brother, and Bash won’t be leaving that room without his woman. I’m also aware you don’t want Savannah checking out just yet, so this is the only way.”

I’m surprised he’s aiming to rationalize with her, but I’m grateful for it. We’re used to demanding shit so often, that we often forget that sometimes a situation can use a bit of finesse to get what we need. You ever hear that saying you can attract more bees with honey? Well, Chaos’s working his charm, and the ladies don’t ever seem to hesitate to fall for it either.

I forget about what’s going on out in the hallway, sending a tender look at my angel. She’s lying here appearing just as helpless as last night, even though I know she’s anything but. The doctor and nurses haven’t let her do much of anything since we arrived. They want to monitor her, and I know it’s driving my stubborn woman a bit crazy. “How you doin’, babe?” I haven’t left her side, and I’ve asked her the same question pretty much every hour. I’m determined to make sure she has whatever she needs.

Savannah sighs, setting the remote down. One of her eyes is swollen shut, and she’s been struggling to watch anything with her open eye. She says it gives her a headache, and knowing she is in any kind of discomfort makes me want to bring that fucker Maliki back to life so I can torture him. She doesn’t deserve any of this. Savannah’s been through enough to last a lifetime already. “I wish we could go home.”

I grunt, agreeing with her, but not admitting to it out loud. While it’d be great to have privacy, I like knowing she has a team of people looking after her and our baby, in case either one of them needs anything. “Tomorrow, Sweet Pea,” I promise, glancing up to the monitors. Savannah’s had on this elastic belt thing around her small tummy since we showed up, and it’s been keeping up with our baby’s heartbeat. I Copyright 2016 - 2024