Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,66

There are more shots, and then nothing. I don’t realize I’m sobbing and croaking Bash’s name repeatedly until he’s there, snuggling me into his lap.

“Shh, Sweet Pea. I got you, Savannah. You’re safe, I promise you. I’m here, Angel. No one is left to hurt you. I promise, baby. Shh.”

My face is soaked from my tears, my throat dry and throbbing from Maliki choking me so harshly. Sebastian leans in, kissing my forehead several times, and wiping away the wetness on my cheeks. He’s breathing hard, his own eyes red-rimmed. I’m shaking, a complete mess, but once I meet his concerned gaze and take in their familiar blue, it’s like I can finally drag in a deep breath. “I love you,” I manage to wheeze with a cough, my tone nearly silent.

“Fuck, babe. I love you, Savannah. So. Fucking. Much.” He peppers each word with a kiss on my forehead. His eyes fill with water as he looks me over. “Jesus, baby.” He breathes the words brokenly. “He fucked you up. Goddamn it, I was too fucking late. Christ, I let him hurt you.” The tears spill over, trailing down his pale face, and my heart aches to witness his sadness.

I try to swallow, the ache in my esophagus still burning with pain and whisper, “You were just in time. Thank you, hero.”

“I’m no hero, Angel. If I were, I’d have been here when they showed up. None of this would’ve happened to you or to our baby.”

I shake my head, everything throbbing with the move. “My hero, since the first day,” I quietly argue.

His lip trembles before he leans in and kisses me again. He’s not kissing anywhere but my forehead. My face must look as bad as it feels.

“Holy fuck, Bash! Any more here?” I hear, and then several shadows surround us. My vision has cleared enough for me to make everyone’s faces out, thankfully, or it may’ve freaked me out seeing more large men come at us. It’s Chaos. I take in his expression, along with the others’ concerned features as they peer at us and have a quick look around at the dead bodies.

“I killed them all,” Sebastian growls, holding me possessively. It feels good to be in his arms. There’s no other place I’d rather be. Except, maybe our bed. I could really use a comfortable place to lie down while I deal with all of this discomfort.

Chaos barks, “North, Sly! Grab those bodies in the doorway and get them in here. We’ll wait for a beat to see if the cops were called. If not, and the neighbors were smart enough to keep their fuckin’ mouths closed, then we’ll need to dispose of these bodies. Fuck! I can’t believe this happened here and in the middle of the day. Christ.”

Bash grumbles, “Need the doc. My woman’s hurt and pregnant. If my baby’s not okay, I’m gonna kill these motherfuckers all over again.”

Jinx nods, attempting to calm my sweet man. “We know, brother. I called him as I was jogging to my bike. He should be here any minute to look your woman over. We have you, brother. You need anything, you say the word, and I got you.”

Sebastian swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he remains staring at me. He peers at me as if I’m the most valuable thing he’s ever seen before. “Never letting you go, Angel. Never gonna let anyone hurt you, not ever again. Don’t give a fuck what I gotta do, it won’t happen again, I swear it.”

I nod, trying not to move my head much, as it sends shocks of pain everywhere. “I believe you,” I whisper. I flash my gaze to Chaos and murmur as loudly as I can muster, “Bash’s my hero. Love my hero.”

Chaos nods, his regard serious. “I know, girl. Pretty sure you’re his, too. You just don’t realize it. Both of you are gonna be all right. I’ll see to it.”


I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul. - Charles Dickens

Savannah’s hospital room the following day

“Sir, visiting hours are over. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to return tomorrow,” the nurse informs me again in her annoying snippy tone.

I release a low, menacing growl, ready to pounce on her ass for trying to make me leave. I flick my concerned stare back to Savannah. “This is why I didn’t want you at the goddamn hospital,” I huff to my angel, ignoring the nurse. “I can have the Copyright 2016 - 2024