Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,65

very long when they meddle in my affairs.”

“Right now, you’re in mine. That woman belongs to me.”

“Well…” Maliki rests his hands on his hips, obviously not registering the depth of Bash’s words. I catch a bit of my blood on his right knuckles, and it makes me wince. I know the only reason why I’m not in as much pain as I should be is because of the adrenaline. My fight or flight response kicked in, and when I tried to run, he caught me, and the new burst of adrenaline has helped mask the pain. “I think we can work something out where we each make her pay for what she’s done to the both of us. You can drop your gun, friend, and we’ll come to a mutual agreement.”

Sebastian keeps his weapon firmly trained on him, flicking his eyes to me for merely a second. His neck reddens once he gets a closer look at me, his nostrils flaring as anger consumes him. This is about to go to another level in about two minutes when Maliki realizes Sebastian isn’t trying to claim me for a debt I owe him. My man is here to save me, not give me up to this psycho billionaire. With both of their attention resolutely pinned on one another, my hand slides over, scrambling to grab the knife. If I’m going to die today, I’m going down fighting.

“She’s mine, Maliki,” Sebastian states obstinately.

My eyes remain fixated above me, gauging Maliki. There’s no way I’ll allow him to get the jump on Bash and hurt my man. I’d do anything to protect Sebastian as time and again, he’s proven to me he’ll take care of me in his own way as well. This instance is my turn to step up to the plate.

“Bash,” Maliki attempts to reason again. “We’ll work this out. There’s no need to throw away our business relationship over debts we can both settle here and now. In fact, this will only solidify us more in the future. This will make our trust in each other grow, once we’ve finished with her.” Maliki is always thinking about his influence on other people, and without those crazy parties he hosts each week, he won’t be able to maintain as much influence over certain individuals.

“You fucking idiot.” Sebastian scowls, anger marring his handsome features. My man is furious, to the point if I were opposed, I’d be petrified. “She’s my woman with my kid. I’ll kill you before you fucking touch her again,” he growls, done with this exchange. He’s ready to collect his pound of flesh, or in Maliki’s case, about two hundred twenty pounds of flesh.

Sebastian’s proclamation has blindsided him, and it’s the only chance I have. I leap off the ground, knife in hand. I lunge straight for Maliki’s stomach, planting the blade as deeply as I can. I don’t have a lot of strength, but this is do or die, so I use every ounce of life preserving force I can muster up to shove that knife in as powerfully as possible.

His large hands go for my neck, his digits latching on and squeezing so tightly that I can no longer breathe. My vision goes fuzzy as blackness quickly creeps in along with a burning sensation in my throat, like lava being poured down my esophagus. My fingers fight with his grip, but I’m nowhere near as strong as he is, and in mere moments, I feel like I’m on the edge of death. I may’ve stabbed him, but he’s holding onto my throat for dear life, choking me to death.

Another dark image is suddenly above us, the figure blurry and grayish. I watch him put something against Maliki’s head, then there’re multiple loud blasts. I’m so out of it, it’s only darkened images and black spots. I don’t even sense the brain matter and blood spray hitting my flesh. I can feel nothing but choking and fire. The noise is muddled with my lack of breathing. The clamp around my neck loosens almost immediately, yet I feel as if everything is in slow motion.

My body falls to the ground in a heap, and I lie still, trying to clear the blackness tinting my vision. There’s a burst of light flooding the room again as the front door’s thrown open. I hear more deafening blasts, which I manage to piece together as being gunshots. Another figure falls to the ground off to the side of the bright light. Copyright 2016 - 2024