Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,64

think I don’t have self-preservation, then you’re even more delusional.”

“You’re mouthy. No wonder why Jerome was amused with you. Here I thought it was your cunt, but maybe it was more your mouth. Tell me, can you suck cock like a vacuum?”

I glare. “I’ll bite your penis off if you bring it anywhere near my mouth!” I scream in revolt. I may be tiny compared to him, but I’m fierce. I’ll fight him every step of the way, no matter how beaten down I become.

He chuckles, sounding every bit the evil monster I know he is. “I’m going to have fun torturing that attitude out of you.” His hand comes down to collide with the side of my head. A jolt of pain radiates through my skull, and I swear I see spots. The front door opens, allowing a brief shock of sunlight to filter in before it’s slammed closed once more.

Maliki chuckles darkly again, the sound sending goosebumps over my flesh. “Looky here, slut, time for those clothes to come off so I can see what I’m playing with. You know, you should feel honored. It’s not often I get my hands dirty; that’s what the help’s for. They get messy while I sit back and watch, but you’re a different story. You killed my flesh and blood, my brother. Now I’ll return the favor. I already got to that friend of yours. She was easy to find. I fucked her then watched my men put a few bullets in her. You know she cried and asked for you? She begged me to let you be free, and I agreed. But, I lied.”

Sobs wrack my chest at him speaking of my best friend. I did everything I could to leave her in the dark about all of this, and to hear Maliki’s gotten to her and killed her already hits me deep. I’d pulled away from her since I came up with the plan to murder Jerome, but she’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Knowing she died because of my actions makes me sick. Her poor family.

“I ha-ate you,” I state with a broken whisper. I’ve lost nearly everything at the hands of these men. I can only pray Maliki never finds out about Bash and what he means to me. I love him. At this moment, there’s no use trying to deny my feelings for Sebastian. I truly love that man and am grateful for the compassion and affection he’s shown me over the last few months.

“The feeling’s mutual.” He takes a threatening lunge for me. My hands fly up in defense, but he’s overwhelming. He grabs my shirt in his ruthless grip, using his other hand that’s palming the enormous blade to rip through the front of my work shirt. A scream escapes me as his hand clamps down on my breast, ripping at my bra’s cup.

The back door flies open, the light shining in. It’s not as bright as the front since it’s on the opposite side of the building. My eyes fly in that direction, staring into my kitchen at the figure sailing through the door. My mouth drops, a gasp leaving me as Sebastian storms toward me. Surrounded by light, he’s my version of an avenging angel, and in turn, the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen before. I need him so badly and to have him here, now, it brings a fresh onslaught of tears.

“Down, Angel!” he bellows, and my eyes fly back to Maliki, taking in his expression and movements. The knife’s dropped to the floor, forgotten, as Maliki reaches into his shoulder holster for a gun. “Not so fast, Maliki!” Bash booms, pointing his own weapon at the man hovering over me as he stops a few feet away from us both. I crouch to the floor, trying to do what Sebastian instructs, but also not wanting to be that vulnerable to Maliki’s feet either. “You finish pulling that out, and I empty rounds into your motherfuckin’ chest, you feel me? I’m filling every motherfucker you brought here with lead too.”

“Wait, Bash?” Maliki sounds quizzical, his brow creasing as he stares my boyfriend down. “You know this woman?”

Sebastian nods, keeping his gaze trained on the threat. “Yep, and I won’t allow you to hurt her. Not ever again.”

Maliki chuckles, his brows high on his forehead in amusement and surprise. “You realize this will impact our deals, and you’ll be stepping into my personal business. Men don’t live for Copyright 2016 - 2024