Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,63

he either strikes me or drags me by my hair to where he wants me. He hasn’t punched me yet. I’m assuming he plans on drawing this out. While slaps may not seem like a big deal, it’s a different story coming from a large man like Maliki. His hand is the size of my face, and his arms are solid with muscle. Just because he wears a tailored suit, doesn’t mean he’s not deadly.

“You seduced him and killed him when he was vulnerable. You know what I plan on doing to you? I’m going to beat you, rape you, and then kill you in your own bed, so you can know exactly how he felt in those last moments.”

“I-I didn’t beat or rape him,” I argue stubbornly, shooting him a glower.

I’m all about self-preservation and saving my unborn child at all costs, but I won’t hold back from speaking my truth. I admit I seduced him and killed him, but it was a kindness. I could’ve made his death much more miserable. I’d contemplated so many options, one of my favorites being that I sedate him enough to torture him then allow him to bleed out. I figured that was a bit too much for me, though, and I wouldn’t be able to handle it, no matter how angry and hurt I was. I knew it had to be effective and not drawn out so I could go through with it. The seduction and scalpel seemed like the best plan as he wouldn’t see it coming, and I was right.

“You don’t get a say in my plans, just like Jerome didn’t with yours.” He spits in my face.

I swear slaps hurt, but there’s nothing quite like being spat on. It’s beyond degrading and disgusting. I gag, fighting back the urge to puke. If I give him any reason to believe I’m pregnant, I offer him one more thing to try and take from me. He can do whatever he can to break me, but I’ll never stop protecting my child, no matter what the cost. It’s what a mother does, and while I may’ve not met this little one yet, it doesn’t matter one bit when it comes to that mother’s instinct.

“Mike!” he shouts toward the front door. He must have a man out there waiting for him. Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t have a handful of guys with him as he broke in. When I was with Jerome, Maliki always had an entourage surrounding him, making him feel more important than he really is. “Give me your knife!” he demands, and the urge to throw up rolls through me again. The thought of him with a knife absolutely terrifies me.

I move as quickly as possible, jumping up to take off toward my back door. I get maybe two steps before burning pain skates down my scalp into my neck. He’s grabbed my hair at the back of my head. He yanks me into his body, and I swear I feel hair tearing from my scalp. It hurts so badly that tears prick at my eyes as my breath leaves me in shock. I’m wrenched into the same spot I was moments before. Each attempt wears down my strength a touch more. I’m running off pure adrenaline and the need for survival. I can only imagine how broken down I’ll be by the time he decides to finally kill me.

A part of me is wishing with everything I have that Sebastian comes home to help me before it’s too late. The other part is terrified that if he does, he’ll be overpowered, and I’ll have to watch my sweet guy be tortured and killed. I know he’s strong and can defend himself, but there’s no telling how much backup Maliki has outside waiting for him. If I have to choose between Sebastian possibly saving me or the chance he’ll die, I choose my death. The world needs more men like my Bash out there. He’s got a good heart and someone as genuine as he is-is hard to come by.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Maliki barks mockingly. “I’ve only begun with you.”

I hate it that I’m crying in front of him, but I can’t help it. He hurt me physically, and I’m so angry. Those two feelings mixed together have the tears leaking, whether I want them to or not. “I’m not going to just roll over and allow you to do as you please. If you Copyright 2016 - 2024