Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,62

noticing me, and I was too panicked that I didn’t see what vehicle they were in. When the SUV was behind me, I thought nothing of it. I scrambled out of Bash’s Charger and into my apartment in a rush, too quickly to notice the large SUV slowing down and turning in behind me. I’d just closed the door and was twisting the lock on the handle when it was kicked in. The force was great enough, it propelled me backward. I’d gone sprawling to the floor, bracing as best I could to protect my stomach. Even with the bright sun blindingly surrounding his frame in the doorway, there was no mistaking Maliki. He reminded me of the reaper—dark and angry—coming to collect my death.

I may’ve been strong enough to kill his brother in cold blood, but I had time to plan it all out. I had a list that I checked each time I needed reminding of the next step to take. Being patient had paid off, and the opportunity finally presented itself. He’d foolishly believed he was untouchable, but I proved him wrong.

As I’d slid under his luxurious sheets, I’d rested my left hand on his chest. He thought it was because I was a horny slut for him. In reality, I was getting in a position to brace him. My right hand was safely tucked under the pillow with the insanely sharp scalpel. There’re so many murder weapons you can choose, but I knew I needed something that would kill almost effortlessly. A murder weapon I could conceal easily but would work effectively. What better object than one that’s often used to save lives.

My best friend works in a doctor’s office, so getting what I needed was almost too easy. I lied and told her I needed a scalpel to cut off a wart. It was simple enough that with the right amount of persistence, she gave in and got me one. She said it was extra sharp because she didn’t want me to be in pain trying to saw it off. Hell, she even offered to help me remove it. She had no idea she was aiding in getting a murder weapon, and she’ll never know, for that matter. She doesn’t deserve to have to live with any sort of guilt the knowledge may come with.

Once that scum dozed off, I made my move. I was silent and deadly, just like the serpent I’d intended to be. With my arm resting firmly on his chest, I’d reached up and stroked the side of his neck with my finger. I inhaled a deep breath, leaned up, and pulled my right hand free. I didn’t give myself any time to think, I drove the blade straight into the side of his throat. It was so sharp, the blade slid in through his flesh like butter, slicing everything in its path. Blood gushed everywhere, spraying my face and neck as he gurgled, choking on the thick liquid.

You’d think I’d feel guilty about killing him, but I didn’t. I still don’t. He ruined my father and murdered him. There was no room in my heart or mind to sympathize with someone like that. Fuck him. God rest my father’s soul. If he was watching from above, I pray he felt closure at that moment. My father may’ve been a victim, but I refused to allow his death to make me a casualty as well.

I sought retribution, and it was the best feeling in the world at the time. You ever hear that saying about a woman scorned? It’s true. Men have to be careful of the women they choose to make enemies of. Some of us won’t sit back and take it. Some of us fight back and kill if we have to.

My cheek stings as Maliki’s slap resonates, bringing me back into the present. I wish I’d killed him, too, but there was no way he’d have allowed me to get that close. Maliki is smarter, I’ve come to learn, and it’s probably why he’s still alive.

“I warned Jerome that you were nothing but a sneaky slut. He should’ve listened to me. He was always too stubborn to take my word before thinking it over for a while. I know it was you! You killed him!”

My face is swollen already. I can feel it with the blood floating around in my mouth. He’s kept me on my knees before him. Each time I’ve tried getting up or crawling away, Copyright 2016 - 2024