Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,61

hold plenty of bullets and have a quick release feature for a fast magazine swap, though I did modify and switch out the plastic guide rod for a steel one. I have no idea how many men are in that apartment, and I need access to a lot of ammo, but also not be weighed down in case I need to fight. I’m planning on killing every motherfucker that showed up to hurt my baby.

I snatch an extra two full magazines, shoving them in my pockets. I strap one gun to my thigh for easy reach and carry the second. There’s no time to give this any extra thought, as I don’t know if Maliki will kill her inside or take her someplace else. How he fucking found her is beyond me. I can’t help but feel partially at fault over this. If I hadn’t fucked my woman, slept on it, then shared with my brothers, there could’ve been another outcome already. I should’ve ridden for Maliki the moment Savannah told me what was up so I could take care of him right then. Now my angel could possibly die, and so help me, if that happens, I’ll never forgive myself.

I wrench open my back door and leap over the four foot or so wooden wall they have on all the apartments. It’s our own private balcony area that most people decorate with chairs and shit. Mine’s bare. My life’s at the club or with Savannah. I don’t spend time outside on my back porch. I wouldn’t put it past some shit bags to steal people’s stuff on the ground level that they leave out in the open. I don’t trust easily. It has nothing to do with my background; it’s just good common sense. People seem to be missing it more and more these days.

I take off in a sprint, worried out of my mind. It only takes me seconds to get to her back porch, but it feels like minutes. I reach for her balcony wall, using it to help propel me over the wood barrier. I land hard but shake it off, breathing deeply.

I inhale, collecting my wits. The pounding of my heart is so prominent that I struggle as I lay my head against the back door in an attempt to hear anything. I can’t make out words, but I do hear a man’s voice, reassuring me that Maliki’s still here. He’s talking to someone, but their tone is much lower. I’m going to guess it’s Savannah, and she’s still alive. Thank God. I can’t wait to pump these motherfuckers full of lead for encroaching on my woman.

This explains why she never texted me back. Fuck! I hope he hasn’t been here this entire time. If only I’d been more persistent and stayed behind to drive her to work…but then he could’ve killed me immediately, and she’d have no one to save her. It had to happen this way for a reason, so I could get to her before it’s too late.

As carefully and quietly as possible, I insert my key into the top and then the lower lock. If they’re in the kitchen, there’s no possible way to miss me coming in through the back door. If they’re in the living room, I’ll have seconds before I’m discovered. Somehow, I doubt Maliki isn’t the type to forgo a weapon, and my bet is, as soon as I open this door, bullets will be flying.


She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword. - Atticus

A whimper escapes me as Maliki backhands me again. He’s a psycho pig just like his brother was before I killed him. I knew he’d catch up to me eventually, but I didn’t think it would happen today. I knew as soon as I saw him enter the diner I was in trouble. I’d escaped out the back door, hopped into Sebastian’s car and took off to hide out at the apartment.

I’d gotten here and barely made it inside when I realized that coming here was a mistake. I should’ve stopped at the MC instead of driving all the way home, but I thought Sebastian would be back. He told me that he had to talk to the guys about everything and that he’d be back right after. I was at work for a few hours, which was more than enough time for him to beat me here. Or so I thought.

I’d foolishly believed I escaped work without anyone Copyright 2016 - 2024