Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,60

glance. “You have any kids?”

She shakes her head. “Nope and don’t want any. You don’t have to worry about me sabotaging the rubbers.”

My eyes grow wide at her statement. Sure as fuck hope none of the other club whores that show up get the itch to fuck up a condom around here. There’s no telling how the brothers would react to that shit. “My woman’s having my kid. I don’t need any other pussy but hers,” I grumble in response.

She bats her eyelashes, pushing her chest out. “I could suck you off, I like swallowing cum.”

I hear the prospect choke behind me at her words, but they do nothing for me. “How about you be quick and quiet and go behind the bar. Prospect could use a blow job.” I stand, ready to get the fuck out of here and see Savannah. I want to kiss her belly and then fuck her until she’s satisfied.

“Th-thanks, Bash,” he stammers out, eager to finally get a piece of the club’s pussy. Prospects aren’t allowed to touch any of the women unless we allow it. I’m not going to fuck this one, and the brothers are preoccupied, so may as well give the prospect something to be happy about. One day he’ll get sick of the gash; it happens to us all. Once I had Savannah’s cunt, there was no going back.

“Chaos comes out, you let him know I went home,” I grumble as the whore sinks to her knees, and his eyes roll.

I’m only on my Harley for a few minutes when the turnoff to my apartment comes up. I picked this place specifically because of its location to the clubhouse. I notice the black SUV immediately. It’s completely out of place. The large vehicle is parked behind my Charger, blocking it in and not parked in an actual slot. There’s a man in a suit standing solemnly beside the driver’s door with his arms crossed over his chest. I don’t know who he is, though, he’s not familiar in any way.

As I slow down enough to make the turn to the right, I notice another dude posted up beside the front door of Savannah’s apartment. It’s closed, but there’s no denying the guy is definitely on guard. I recognize that fucker. He’s the one who rides bitch in Maliki’s vehicle when we meet up each week.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Rather than pull in right up front and go in guns blazing, I make my way toward the back of the lot. With any luck, they’ll be distracted and think I live in another unit that I don’t care who the fuck they are. That couldn’t be further from the truth, however, as they’re a threat to my family.

I have an idea on how to get to Savannah, I just need to give my prez a heads-up before executing it. I quickly ride around the turn to the back building of apartments where my place is. I skip the parking lot, driving up the handicap slope on the sidewalk. I come to a stop on the pathway leading to my place and shut my bike off, kicking the stand down. I swiftly hop off, digging my cell out of my pocket to quickly shoot off a text to Chaos.

Maliki’s at Savannah’s place. Goin’ in.

The group text we’re in used for emergencies and church vibrates multiple times as all my brothers respond. I don’t check what they have to say, just shove the cell back in my pocket as I run inside my old apartment, slamming the door behind me. They’d more than likely tell me to wait for backup or not to go in at all, and I can’t do that. As far as I’m concerned, each minute is another wasted sixty seconds to save my angel.

I jog toward the back of the apartment to my kitchen, yanking open the door to my freezer for my stash. I’ve got weapons and ammo in here, and the cooler turned off. I also keep some product in the drawer under my stove for emergency buyers. I know what you’re thinking, and I don’t cook here, so it’s all good. Besides, I figure people are less likely to look in my freezer when searching for shit, versus my bedroom or whatever.

I grab for three knives, strapping them on, then reach for my two Beretta 92X Full-Size Semi-Automatic Pistols. I like them because they’re lightweight and powerful enough that even Savannah can use them if necessary. The Berettas Copyright 2016 - 2024