Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,59

church. My hand falls to his shoulder as I stand, squeezing it. I’m grateful for him calling church to discuss what Savannah and I are up against. He didn’t even hesitate to have my back, and that’s more than I could ever ask for. “Hit me up if you need me,” I say, pushing my chair in. Chaos will be in here speaking to the brothers for a while, I’m sure.

I make my way to the bar for a shot. I need it after the discussion we had. Never thought I’d care for a woman, or anyone for that matter, as much as I do my woman and my future kid. The brothers know she’s mine, so I don’t have to be a jealous fuck around them with her, though I don’t know if I can help it. I want all her attention on me. I’m too spoiled with her already. “Vodka,” I bark in the prospect’s direction and wait. I set my bottle of Sprite on the bar and scoot my ass onto a barstool.

When I left earlier, Savannah was feeling good, getting ready for work. I don’t want her to bother with the diner, especially while Maliki is on the hunt for her, but the woman is determined to make her own money. I try calling Savannah, but she doesn’t answer. I shoot her a text instead.

Wanted to check in. You feel all right and make it to work?

She doesn’t respond, but that’s fine. I know she will whenever she’s not busy. That’s another thing that I like about my angel—she’s respectful, and in a relationship, that’s important. I’m hoping after our long talk that she’ll start to confide in me more and let me know when she’s not doing so hot. I made her promise me this morning she’d call if she got sick again so I could come get her. Of course, she’s capable of taking care of herself, but she shouldn’t have to, because she has me. If all I can do is drive her home from work and get her some crackers, I’m going to do it.

My phone lights up, but it’s still not my woman. It’s my parents, or, more specifically, my mom. If I’m speaking to her, then I’m basically talking to my dad at the same time. She’s notorious for reading him all my messages or putting me on speakerphone if she calls. I left her a brief message saying I had some news for her. I’m surprised it’s taken her this long to get back to me.

Today must’ve been a farmers’ market day for them. My mom makes homemade, organic, and gluten-free, or whatever dog treats. I thought she was joking when she first told me, but apparently, it’s a thing, and the town’s dogs love her biscuits. I grew up a few hours away from here. They still live in the same town and the same house. It’s comforting when I go visit, but also weird, like being thrown back in time.


“Is that how you normally answer your phone?” My mom chirps, and I chuckle.

“I knew it was you.”

“Well, all the more reason to say hello, mother dearest.”

I release an amused snort. “Is Dad with you?”

“He sure is, did you want to speak to him instead?”

“Nah, I can let you know, and then you can relay it.”

“Okay, Sebby, you’re on speakerphone.”

Of course, I am. “I’ve got a woman, and we’re having a baby.”

It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop on the line.

After a beat, my mom says, “Uh, I think I misheard you…say again.”

“I’m seeing someone, and she’s pregnant. Kid’s mine.”

My dad speaks first. “Well, shit. Congrats, son!”

“A baby?” my mom breathes, her voice full of excitement and most likely shock.

“Yep, I’m gonna give my woman a few weeks to get in with the doc and whatnot, but then I suppose we should head up there so she can meet you both.”

My dad’s easy. “Sounds good. Love you, son.”

“Love you too, Dad. Mom? You good?”

My dad speaks again. “She’s crying, son. I think you just made her whole day. I’ll have her give you a call back once she’s settled down.”

“All right, then, give her a hug from me. Talk to you soon.”

“Bye, Bash.” My dad respects the road name. It’s my mom who won’t give up my childhood nickname. I don’t mind, though; the woman did birth me.

I hang up and sigh. One of the club whores sidles up to me, and I shoot her a Copyright 2016 - 2024