Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,58

and not in the public much. I only know about his family based on the bio on his site and then a basic search. We may be able to dig deeper, but I don’t think we’ll find much more. Maliki seems to enjoy having full control over his business as well as other people. I don’t see him being the type to have a partner who wasn’t blood-related.”

Jinx concurs. “I thought the same thing.”

I nod, looking back at North. “I didn’t want to tip him off that I was looking into him, so I kept it brief.”

“I’ll see what I can find out. A few of my contacts may have some dirt on him we can use,” he murmurs.

The pensive man at my side runs his thumb across the gavel. He’s thinking; I can see it all over his face. “You think it’ll tip him off if you add a few brothers to this week’s run? Maybe get him used to seeing more than you two? Or do you believe he’ll bring more backup as well?”

I shake my head. “He’s been the overconfident type from the moment I met him. He knows too many prominent people in Atlanta and everywhere else. He thinks he’s untouchable. His brother was the same way, and now we know how he was killed. It took a woman sliding her way in and taking him out. She was probably the last person he ever expected to kill him.”

“How’d she kill him?” North questions and I release a tense breath.

I don’t enjoy thinking of Savannah with another man one bit. I’m not stupid enough to believe she hasn’t been with several guys in the past, but I still don’t like it. “She made sure he was relaxed enough to fall asleep. Stabbed him in the throat with a scalpel.”

“Fuck,” Jinx coughs, his eyes going wide. That was my reaction too.

“Not many women can get that personal. Usually, they go for the silent killers, like poison,” Sly comments, and I nod. We know this. It’s our job to be aware of what to watch out for to stay alive in this life. Bitches can be just as ruthless as men, and if they’ve been scorned, then even more so.

Chaos breathes, “She’s strong.”

“Mm. More than you know, brother.”

He nods, and I can’t help but feel pride that my brothers see Savannah for the bad bitch she truly is. “All right, for your deal this week, take Jinx, Sly, and a prospect with you. Get Maliki warmed up to the thought of you having a few more men on board. If he mentions it, tell him we’ve heard the gangs are getting restless toward the MC, since we’ve changed some of our allegiances. It’s none of his fuckin’ business what we do, but that'll make him think you’re stupid enough to be comfortable with him to mention a little club unrest. He’ll see us as being vulnerable, which is what we want.”

North rasps, “He won’t view us as a threat, and we’ll take him down swiftly.”

“I can do that. Jinx and I ride out again on Tuesday to go over Friday’s order and delivery details. He never wants the product until it’s right before one of his parties. The fucker’s smart on that account.”

Chaos flips the gavel over, mentioning, “Shame…it’d be too easy to tip off a rookie cop with a hard-on for justice. It’d be a career-making type of bust.”

I shake my head. “The cop would end up dead, and whoever needed to would be paid off. Besides, Maliki doesn’t even ride in the same vehicle on Fridays. He has his people load the product and take it. His pockets run deeper than any other buyer I’ve had before. That’s why I had to pull Jinx in to help fulfill the order requests. Maliki buys twice to three times what my supplier can get without involving the Columbians.”

Sly runs his hands over his head, exhaling. “Definitely need to make sure the fucker is dead, or he’ll undoubtedly squirm his way back for revenge.”

“Agreed,” we all say, mirroring each other with the word and tense expression.

Chaos takes a swig of his drink and says, “It’s settled. We’ve come up with an initial plan. Once we warm him up to our numbers, we’ll revisit and discuss the next step. We have to keep this shit nonexistent to our other contacts if you know what I mean.”

We grunt out acknowledgment, and the prez slams the gavel down, calling an end to Copyright 2016 - 2024