Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,57

he knows we’re hiding her.

Jinx scoffs. The big Samoan casts North a glance and says, “He’s been practically pissing on her leg from the moment she showed up here.”

Sly snickers, his jade gaze twinkling. “She’d bust his balls if he tried. Wouldn’t want to miss seeing that.”

Chaos grunts his agreement. My woman has made her stubbornness known to the club. I fucking love that about her. She’s a strong bitch. Although she’d have to be, for me to feel this way about her.

I shoot a glare around the table. They may be right. Doesn’t mean I’m going to roll over and take the ribbing right now. I’m too worried about how this is all going to play out, to joke with them. After a beat of silence, I sigh, raking my hands through my hair. “Yes, I am claiming her. Savannah’s pregnant.”

A few mouths drop in surprise. The prez speaks up. “She’s family. Nothing to question. We protect each other, and we protect our women.” We voice our various agreements. “We’ve got to be smart about this, so it doesn’t blow back and hit the club too hard. We’re finally on the right side of building the club back up. We can’t allow this rich fuck to drag us back down to square one.”

North sits forward, his fists clenched on the table before him. “I can handle it. I’m the enforcer. I should be getting my hands dirty…not our VP.”

I nod his way, acknowledging his loyalty and being grateful he feels I’ve earned it. “I couldn’t ask you to take care of my personal problem, brother. It’s not right.”

It’s Sly’s turn to argue. “Doesn’t matter. You’re our VP. We gotta look out for you and the prez…it’s what we do.” He’s the treasurer, but also a trained fighter. Facing things head-on for his brothers is part of his personality. I respect him a hell of a lot for it too.

Jinx huffs. “We’re a team. We handle this together. Same as we’ve done in the past. It’s how none of us winds up hurt, and shit gets taken care of swiftly and effectively.”

Prez raps his knuckles on the table. “Agreed. Not letting you go rogue and wind up dead. Also not putting this off on one brother to handle either.”

I sit back in my chair, knowing I’ve lost. If we vote on it, then my brothers will outvote me. It’s in our nature to want to take up for each other. We’ve been around each other for too long through enough to be any different. “All right, any suggestions on how we go about this? I’m still killing him,” I mutter petulantly.

Jinx shakes his head, used to me getting pissy and punching fuck sticks until they stop breathing. I warned Savannah that she didn’t know what demons were. Lord knows I have my fill after becoming tight with Chaos. I wasn’t good by any means before we grew close, but I did my fair share of torture once he told me what his plan was with the club. We worked side by side, doling out consequences, as he was the enforcer back then, and I was a new member. There was no way I was going to do nothing and allow my buddy to possibly end up dead. He tried to keep me out of it at first, but I wouldn’t have it, and eventually, he brought me into the fold with him. He’s my family. Not by blood, but by choice, and family protects each other.

“We use the weekly drop to our advantage,” Jinx begins. “Maliki only has a few guys with him, so there will be less interference and chance for him to escape.”

North’s deep voice cuts through my thoughts. “Do we know he’s at the top? We need to cut the head off the snake, or more will follow in his place.”

I’ve looked into Maliki as much as I could without raising flags. When you’re in the drug business and deal in the amounts of product that I do, you learn who your buyers are. Ignoring who they may be only asks for trouble and complications. I’ve been at this for too long to fuck up and get thrown in jail. I like my freedom and my cash more than being lazy.

“I have some intel on him, but not much. His brother is dead, obviously, so he’s out of the picture. The mother died when they were young, and as far as I know, his father is old Copyright 2016 - 2024