Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,56

to come by.

He gently lifts off me, laying to my side. His cock hangs out, coated in our combined wetness. For some reason, it’s sexy to me. I kind of want to lean down and lick him clean, but I don’t. Not after my stomach was so upset. I’m a little edgy about putting anything else in my mouth at the moment. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks, pressing several kisses to my temple and hair.

A giggle bursts free. I can’t help it. I’ve read a few stories about how some men become overly worried and doting when they discover their other half is pregnant. I can already see Sebastian being one of them. It’s ironic how one little stick from a gas station can completely change your life. Murder changed mine in a blink, and now, new life has altered it once again. I’m thankful for this gift, as that’s what this baby is.

“What’s so funny?” he rasps, wearing a sated grin. He rubs his hand over his head, ruffling up his messy hair. How can men do that, and it only makes them look better?

“You…worrying if I’m okay after our great sex, and remembering all the acrobats you’ve had me pulling over the past few months.”

He chuckles, and the sound reverberates deep. I love it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “I may have an adventurous appetite. Luckily, you know how to fill it.”

“That’s putting it lightly. Not to mention you like eating me out in random places. Who knew your Charger’s back seat would have enough room to do the things you’ve done to me in it?”

“I haven’t heard you complain—quite the opposite actually. And obviously, the car was a good buy, even if it was only for the back seat.”

I roll my eyes because he’s totally right. “I enjoyed every minute of it. I was just thinking that some men become sorta overprotective and worried when women become pregnant, and you’re already showing signs.” I rub my fingertips over his tattooed biceps. It tickles him, but if I stop, he’ll nudge me to keep going. I love that little detail about him.

“Fuckin’ right. I’ll protect you with my last breath if needed, and I wanna know what I can do to make things easier on you during this pregnancy. I’m not one of those assholes who’ll turn the other way and not care about you or that kid. We’re a team. I’m responsible just as much as you are for that life. You’re growing our baby in your tummy, so you need to be taken extra care of during that time as well.”

My eyes grow watery. I can’t help it; he’s seriously the sweetest man I’ve ever met. I think it really drives home with me because it’s not a bunch of pretty words with him. He’s genuine, and that makes all the difference.

“You keep saying things like that, Sebastian, and my heart won’t have a chance against you.”

“That’s the plan, Sweet Pea. Never gonna give you up. Now, let’s take a nap, ‘cause I’ve gotta come up with a plan to keep you two safe. Tomorrow, the only thing I want you worrying about is making a list of all the baby stuff we’re gonna need. I’m gonna do this the right way with you, Savannah.”

I release a sigh, snuggling into his arms. Just being here like this makes me feel safe. I watch his chest rise and fall with each breath, and the movement lulls me into a deep, sated sleep.


Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go. - Nikita Gill

“Shit is seriously fucking fucked,” I complain to the table. We’re in church. Chaos called for it once I informed him what was up. I had to confide in him over the confession Savannah shared with me yesterday. It was too big and important to keep it quiet and attempt to handle it alone. Especially with Maliki being involved. That complicates things on a whole other level. “I’m going to kill him,” I vow to the men surrounding me. “Won’t stand for him hurting my woman.”

“So, you’re finally claiming her?” North asks as he stares me down, not saying anything about the shit I just spilled on all of them about Savannah murdering a billionaire psychopath. That piece isn’t what worries me, nor the others. The key in this situation is that Maliki is seeking retribution, and that could turn up some shit if Copyright 2016 - 2024