Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,50

everything I’ve got, but I can only do so much. If she doesn’t want me, then I’m thoroughly screwed. I’m falling for this woman headfirst, and there’s no way to pump the brakes. Christ, I’ve tried to. I was doing fine, living my bachelor lifestyle until I had a taste of her sweet little ass and then I was a changed man. Don’t get me wrong, the club is still my life and it always will be. I still deal regularly too, because I have to make a living somehow. Selling dope may not be honorable in her eyes, but it’s what I know how to do. Aside from hit shit and be the VP in the Kings of Carnage motorcycle club.

“Sebastian,” she quietly utters with a sigh, reaching for me.

I scoot in closer, not giving an ounce of care if she’s sick or not. I want to be near my sweet pea, to feel her presence against me. “Whatever it is,” I declare genuinely, “Everything will be okay, baby. I’m here for you.”

She sits up suddenly, getting to her feet. I’m thinking she’s going to pop off and puke, but she begins to pace instead. I notice her face isn’t as pale as it was when I walked in the door either, so it gives me a touch of comfort. “This is serious,” she asserts, and I sit up again. I shift to the edge of the bed, ready to pounce on her if necessary.

“I’m pretty serious about you, beautiful. I can’t emphasize it enough. How about you come out with it already, so we can handle whatever’s eating away at you. I don’t do suspense well; it makes me punchy, Angel.”

My words lighten her mood a touch, throwing off her thoughts. She faces me, wearing a smirk. “I like you being punchy. Keeps things interesting, and you do a decent job at drywall repair.”

I snort and roll my eyes. She’s only seen me do one patch job, and it was from a bad day at work. I didn’t take it out on her. I didn’t even know she was at home when I lost my temper and punched a hole in the closet. Some shit fell when I was digging around, and it was my breaking point. I got into a fight with the wall and ended up patching it up a few days later. “Get over here and tell me what’s up, Sweet Pea.”

Savannah takes the few steps between us until her sweatpants covered legs touch my knees. Her tiny feet line up on the insides of my boots, and for some reason, that has my stomach flipping. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but she has me feeling some type of way. Having her close again instantly calms me inside, and I can think straight once more.

She tangles her dainty fingers with mine, seeking my comfort. The differences between us are more than prominent. My hands are big, scarred, and tattooed, where hers are small, pale, and perfect. I’d never deny her anything, for that matter. I wait on bated breath for her to say whatever it is weighing heavily on her mind. I meant it when I admitted I don’t do suspense well.

“I’m pregnant,” Savannah confesses, with a shaky exhale. She’s been carrying this alone, for who knows how long. I feel like a dick for not seeing her symptoms for what they truly are and offering her the help she obviously needs.

My jaw drops, my lips parting in shock. “I wasn’t expecting that to leave your mouth, to be honest.”

“It was bound to happen, Sebastian. We’ve been pretty careless. We’ve had lots of sex, and you haven’t pulled out each time, and I didn’t tell you too either. We’re both at fault for not stopping to wear condoms and acting more responsibly. At some point, that’s going to result in a baby.”

I tug her to me, wrapping my arms around her. “You’re right, Angel.” I breathe the words. I’m just so damn happy she isn’t trying to break it off and leave me. I never realized that was one of my worries until today. It really hit home with me about how much Savannah means to me. I pepper her with the first questions that come to me. “How are you feeling now? You still sick? How can I help make this easier on you?” Why do I feel so enamored knowing she’s having my child, and I’ll be linked to Copyright 2016 - 2024