Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,49

straight to her side. My hand moves to her forehead to feel if she’s overheated. “I’ve been better,” she acknowledges. She takes a few deep breaths and admits, “It’s been happening more frequently, but today was the absolute worst. Our daily special was liver and onions. It seemed like there were onions everywhere. I had to come back home. The smells at the diner were making me gag. If I served another plate, I was going to throw up.”

“Fuckin’ shit, woman. I told you that you work too damn hard. You should’ve called me; I could’ve driven you home. You need a break, baby. It’s overdue. Those fuckers at the diner don’t give two shits if they run you ragged for coffee refills and whatever else.”

“Uh,” she groans again, turning her face toward the bedspread. “Don’t talk about coffee, please. I can still smell it, and I’ve been home for an hour already.”

“That, too? Is it just food items, or any strong smells?”

“It’s a mixture, but those are the worst so far.”

I shake my head, rubbing my fingers through her soft hair that’s spread in all directions. “Want me to get you some Sprite or maybe salted crackers? Would they help or mess it up more? You need me to pick up some meds? Tell me what to do for you, Sweet Pea.”

Her glazy irises meet mine. “You’re so good to me, Sebastian.”

I nod. “Of course. You’re my woman,” I reply immediately without giving it any thought. I’d do anything to make her smile, to keep her happy and with me.

Her regard grows soft. “I’ll be fine. I’m not sure if you will be when we talk about things, though.”

My spine goes ramrod straight, not liking where this is heading one bit. Whatever Savannah has to say, she better not attempt to push me away. She did that shit in the beginning, refusing my help and then with her attempting to make us talk only about money for my bike. That was the last I wanted from her, and it hasn’t changed. The only thing I was ever interested in, from the beginning, was getting to know her. Once I wiggled my way in, I couldn’t stop there. I craved more of her. I still do. I want all of her—the good, the bad, the ugly. It doesn’t matter as long as I get every piece of her.

I continue to rub my digits in her silky locks, reveling in how beautiful she is, even when she’s not feeling well. This woman has another thing coming if she thinks she’s going to give me up or that I’ll let her go without one hell of a fight. She’s become a constant in my life, day after day I come home to her. I’d never spent much time away from the club once I became a part of that world, always taking a club whore to warm my bed at night. Since Savannah, she’s all I’ve been able to think about and truly desire to be around. She’s made this place feel like a home, and that’s where I yearn to be at night.

“You sure you don’t need anything?” I inquire again, lying beside her. We’re facing each other. I did it purposefully so I can watch my angel’s expressions. Swear to Christ, Savannah better not break my damn heart. Lord knows, she could. She’s my bright light after I went through the dark shit with Chaos and helping him clean up the club’s messes. There were some rough times before shit got square, and then she came along out of nowhere. She’s my happy place, my woman.

“I’m okay.” She blows out another breath, and I smell the mint from her mouthwash. “Actually, having you here has made me feel a bit better. My stomach is still twisting, but more with anxiety and not the sickness.”

“I make you anxious?” I hope it’s that pitter-patter-heart sort of anxiety and not the bad one ‘cause she’s gonna give me the boot. I should’ve found a way to fix her car. Damn it. Savannah’s the independent type, and it must be driving her crazier than I’d expected with me helping take care of her. She needs to realize I do everything because I want to, because I care for her, and because I can.

She swallows, and I press my mouth to her forehead. I don’t want to overwhelm her, but damn, what if I can’t kiss her in the future? I’ll fight for her with Copyright 2016 - 2024