Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,48

I don’t want my woman to be scared to go anywhere…ever, man. Makes me feel like I’m not doing enough for her. It’s my responsibility as her man to make her feel safe, you feel me?”

“You need to talk to her, set her at ease. You’ve had time to get close with this chick. She may be willing to open up to you now. If she stays freaked out, maybe you can at least give her a little peace of mind when she’s lost in her thoughts. I’m sick of seeing women hurt and taken advantage of. You know me, brother. That shit doesn’t fly personally or with the club.”

I agree with him completely. “I feel the same, I have you on that account.” I consider his advice concerning Savannah. I can try, but there’s no way to know if it will help or hinder our closeness. I shrug and admit, “She’s headstrong, part of the reason I can’t get enough of her. I don’t want her stubbornness to get her killed or kidnapped or fuck knows what, when it comes to Maliki. His type is bad news.”

Chaos gestures to the door, and I head out with him. He continues to talk as we stroll through the bar, eventually making it out front. The warm Georgia air surrounds us, the sun shining brightly, reminding me why I love the south. “Exactly. Put that shit on lockdown and make her tell you what you need to know.”

I scoff. There’s no way to make Savannah do anything she doesn’t want to. I meant it when I said she’s headstrong. The woman would starve to death before she let anyone see her face and that knowledge breaks my heart. “I’ll figure out something. I have no choice. I need to know if this shit blows back—”

He interrupts, “You don’t have to ask. We got you.”

“Appreciate it, Prez.” I offer him a chin-lift, reaching over to clap his solid shoulder. “I’m headed out. Savannah should be back at the apartment anytime.”

“You two living together now, or you have your place still, too?”

“I showed up to her spot and never really left,” I admit, and Chaos chuckles.

“You’re a bastard. That little woman didn’t stand a chance.”

My shoulders bounce, not sorry in the slightest. He’s right. Once I had my sights set on her, I’d decided she’d be mine, and she is. “She was stranded, and I’m not the type to turn my back on a stray. Especially not one that beautiful. See ya, man.”

“Yeah, later.” He sends me off with a nod, and I stride to my motorcycle. The engine rumbles loudly as I fire the powerful machine to life and kick the stand up. I toss him two fingers as I roll out of the parking lot, headed for home.

“Angel?” I rasp as I close the blue apartment door behind me. I know she’s here; I saw my shiny Dodge Charger parked in her usual slot. It’s become the new designated spot, but I don’t mind in the slightest. I wasn’t able to fix her old clunker—not that I tried too hard—so she’s been driving mine when she needs it. It’s safer than hers, anyhow, so it sets my mind at ease. I know it’s stressful for her because she brings it up often that she needs to get a different vehicle.

She’s nuts to worry about it. Hell, she has no idea, but I’d do much more for her if she’d allow me to. Never imagined when I fell for a woman that she’d be sweeter than peach cobbler. She’s also kind, stubborn, and dead set on doing everything for herself.

“Sebastian?” she calls from the bedroom, sounding a bit more off than her usual sweet melodic voice. I eagerly make my way to the back of the apartment, more than ready to see her beauty and kiss her pouty lips to find her curled up in a tiny ball on the bed. I’d ordered us a king-sized about six weeks ago once I realized this wasn’t going to fizzle out between us anytime soon. She was pissed, but I got her to give in once I demonstrated with her what we could do with the added mattress space.

My brow wrinkles with concern. This is new. She’s always smiling and excited to see me when I come in. To find her looking so pale has me worried and on edge. “You all right, Sweet Pea? You sick or something?”

She groans, and the sound sends me Copyright 2016 - 2024