Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,47

doesn’t crack. “I want you here, Sebastian. I haven’t wanted anything this badly in a long time. We did it again, though, had sex without protection. I need to remind you that I’m not on birth control.” I can’t go to the pharmacy for a refill in case my name pops up on anyone’s radar. I didn’t think about it before I left. I hadn’t considered I’d meet anyone and I’d need it.

He presses a kiss to my temple, allowing me to keep my tears private. “I got you, Savannah. Stop fretting over what we’ve already done. Sleep, baby. Ain’t no one coming after my woman tonight.”

I take in his scent, his warmth, and the way he makes my heart feel full once more. It’s no longer the crushed, empty feeling in my chest I’d grown to live with since my father was murdered. With Bash surrounding me, I close my eyes and finally sleep soundly.


She’s gonna forever say “I got this” even with tears in her eyes. - AW Camping

“You have another deal this week?” Chaos questions as I take the seat beside him. It’s where I usually sit at the table. We had church earlier, yet he still hasn’t left the room, taking time to hear out any personal shit the brothers need to speak with him about. I’m always here for them if they need me, too, but usually, it’s only Chaos and Jinx who hit me up on a personal level.

I nod. “Maliki again. He’s a persistent fucker, but I’ve been raking in some dough on these parties he throws. Same with Jinx.”

“That’s good news, brother. Tell me…he still asking after your woman?”

“Every week it’s the same shit. We meet up, discuss the drop, and before we bounce, he asks me if I’ve seen Savannah. He’s sticking to the same sob story about a distraught father on the search.”

“Christ, the motherfucker’s like a dog with a bone. How long has the questioning been going on now? A month or so?”

I release an irritated exhale, rapping my knuckles against the table. I need to do something with my hands while I talk about the thing that’s been eating at me the most recently. Having anyone looking for my angel makes me punchy. I want to hit and ask questions later. I haven’t, only because of the business I’ve got going with Maliki, or else I’d have laid his ass out and told him to get on down the road. “It’s been eight weeks since the first time he’s asked about her. Eight times, always with the same photo. I haven’t wanted to stab someone this bad since we were cleaning up the clubhouse.”

“Fuck, Bash, eight weeks. That isn’t good, he’s a bigtime shitbag. You know it as well as I do.”

My muscles tense, more so than from a moment before. He’s just confirmed my thoughts. I knew it in my gut, and hearing Chaos agree is like loading bullets in the chamber, knowing I’m about to pull the trigger and do the time. “She still hasn’t told me fuck-all passed her father being dead. Sly found out about her dad for me. He confirmed that the old man’s truly dead and Maliki is full of some fairy tale bullshit story. Not that I didn’t believe my beautiful angel in the first place, but week after week of dealing product to him, I was beginning to wonder if I was fuckin’ blinded by good pussy. Turns out Savannah’s telling the truth, and I’m a goddamn dick for questioning her honesty. Her own father’s death, and yet, I considered she could be milking me. Feeling real low right about now.”

“You didn’t know, so throw that mopey bull out the window. You did the right thing, watching the club’s and your back, with a newcomer. That dirty pissant still has no clue she’s yours?” Chaos mutters, before taking a swig of his drink.

“None that I know of, but she’s been acting worse lately about things than when I first met her. Aside from the diner and the clubhouse, she won’t leave the apartment. She ducks and practically sprints from the front door to the car. I’ve seen her leave the diner. It’s the same thing there too. I’m worried about her being cooped up like she is. No one deserves to live like that. At least now I understand why she’s such a recluse. Hell, without the threat hanging over her, I wonder if she’s normally like that at all. Copyright 2016 - 2024