Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,46

him still peppered with bruises. It makes me wonder if he’s still sore. Hopefully, they go away soon, and my man has completely healed again. I can’t wait to see his stomach without the bruises. Not that he’s any less gorgeous or anything. That’s hardly the case.

“They won’t touch you. You’re always safe with me,” he promises, and I lean up, taking his mouth with mine. The crazy thing is that I actually feel safe in his arms, like nothing can get to me with him at my side. He doesn’t owe me in any way, and he certainly doesn’t deserve the trouble that I’ll bring his way if the wrong people discover he’s taken my side in this battle. I’m also not stupid enough to reject his help and protectiveness over me. Lord knows I can’t seem to beat the bad guys on my own.

“Fuck me, Sebastian,” I beg, and he kindly obliges, thrusting his cock deep. It’s what I need in the moment, to forget everything else in the world except for Bash, the badass vice president warming my bed. If only things were different, and I wasn’t having to hide out knowing I’d eventually leave this place. Maybe then, I could fight to keep him long term.

He rotates his hips, his groin grinding against my sensitive bud. A whimper of pleasure breaks free, causing me to pull my mouth from his. I could get lost in his kisses, allow them to pull me under and drown me in the immense feelings they spread through my mind and body. He’s the best I’ve ever had—there’s no doubt about it. “So good,” I moan, wanting to be consumed by him even more. I want him to take completely over so I can stop having to worry about anything and just live and be free.

He grunts in response, tucking his face into my neck. He breathes me in, then peppers kisses over my throat, leading to my breasts. With a hefty lunge, he sinks into me deeply, and I cry out. He trails his hand over my abdomen, moving up to pinch my nipples before bringing his hand to grip my throat. He squeezes just enough to make my eyes widen and seek out his gaze.

“Sebastian?” I sigh as his grin turns possessive. He holds my neck firmly, his hips moving in sync with my own. My pussy is sopping wet at him expressing his dominance. Controlling men aren’t really my thing, but that’s not what’s happening right now. He’s showing me that he’s strong, that he’s dominant enough to protect me and keep me safe. He can easily take life with his hands, yet he chooses to use them to offer me security. He gives me the peace of mind to relax and stop worrying about anything and everything.

My orgasm hits me with the next squeeze of his fingers, my moans elevating to shouts of ecstasy. I scream his name, and his cock explodes inside me. His hot cum shoots deep into my womb, rattling me to my core. I’m a shaking mess when my sexual high finally calms down, and I can concentrate on the throbs my pussy and his cock still continue to make. Our minds are sated with the rush of serotonin, but our bodies still cling to each other, seeking every last zing of sensation.

“Fuck, baby,” he mumbles, nuzzling against my tender flesh. My throat will probably have some light bruising tomorrow, but that doesn’t matter in the slightest to me. What’s important is why those marks are there in the first place. Sebastian was staking his claim that no one will hurt me or take me from him. I’ve never felt safer or more cherished in my life. “I wanna make this permanent. Not trying to freak ya the fuck out or anything. You’ll be in safe hands, having me sleeping next to you every night.”

I roll away from him, showing him my back. I don’t want him to see the fresh bout of tears filling my eyes and flowing down my cheeks. He probably thinks I’m a hot mess enough, I don’t want him to see how emotional he’s made me tonight. My back grows warm as he scoots in, putting his front to my body. His arm wraps over my waist, clamping down, holding me tightly to him. “Mean it, Angel. I don’t fuck around when it comes to giving my word to someone.”

I nod, swallowing. I speak softly, so my voice Copyright 2016 - 2024