Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,45

the tub. It’s not hurtful, just weighted, silently telling me to hear him out. I can’t help but freak out; there are too many people searching for me. “He said your father is looking for you.”

Tears fill my eyes at the mention of my father. Those bastards have no right to speak of him, to bring him into any more of this. I shake my head, the drops spilling over. How dare they come to Sebastian, to mess with this small blip of happiness I’ve found and mess it all up. It’s too soon. I didn’t want to lose my biker already.

“I remembered when you told me your father was no longer alive, and it raised some red flags. This wasn’t a decent man searching for you, quite the opposite. I saw through his lie as soon as it left his mouth.”

My lip trembles. “M-my father is dead. I would never lie about something like that.”

He nods, moving to wipe my tears away. “I know, baby, and I believe you. No one would break so badly over a person they love. If you weren’t being real with me, I’d call you out on it. You have any idea who’d be looking for you, though?”

I bite my shaky lower lip and admit, “A lot of people, probably. None of them very nice.”

“I figured so. Especially with that fucker’s connections. I talked it over with Chaos, cause I ain’t letting a motherfucker touch you.”

My hands reach up, moving to hold his cheeks in my palms. “How can you be real? My life has been so hard since my father died, and then Heaven sent me you.”

He shakes his head. “Nah, Sweet Pea, you’re my angel; it’s not the other way around. I’m dark to your light, but maybe…maybe that’s why we crossed paths. You needed someone like me to protect your innocence.”

“I’m far from innocent.”

“Not in my eyes, Savannah. Let me help you with whatever you’re dealing with.”

I shake my head. I’d love nothing more than to not be in this alone. “If you knew everything, you wouldn’t think of me the same way. I-I can’t get into this with you right now, I’m sorry.” I stand.

Sebastian follows suit, draining the water and grabbing a towel. He steps in front of me and pats the towel all over my body, drying me before himself. “It’s fine. I can be patient. Until you’re ready to tell me whatever it is, I’ll be here to have your back regardless.”

My lip trembles as I watch him towel off his insanely sexy nakedness. Sebastian had to be sent to me by my father, there’s no other way I can explain the reasoning behind me meeting him. Then he comes across someone searching for me today during his business deal. It has to be some sort of fate intervening here. I just wish I knew the right move in all of this. “Thank you, Sebastian. These people…they’re bad, and they want me dead. There’s so much more I wish I could tell you…but I can’t—not yet, anyhow.”

“My life isn’t as straitlaced as you probably think it is, either. I have plenty of demons; my club has demons. I can’t share shit with you either, so I get it. I hope one day you’ll find that you trust me enough to open up. I’d never let anyone hurt you. Jinx and I both told the guy that we’d never seen you before. I felt it was important to talk with you about it, in case you needed me to handle something for you.”

I take his hand in mine, linking our fingers together and lead him to my bedroom. I want to be intimate with this man more than ever right now. He’s not pushing me to divulge my secrets. He’s not attempting to sell me out or smother me. Sebastian wants to help, to take care of me, and it’s been too long since I’ve had someone on my side like that. It makes me want to worship him and never give him up. “Thank you. Those men…they can’t find out where I am, or they’ll hurt me. Probably kill me, actually,” I state, leaving out the details of why they’re hunting me down.

A possessive growl rumbles through his sculpted chest as I fall back on my bed, tugging him with me. His heavy cock falls in place between my thighs, rubbing against my clit. My legs react, spreading apart to wrap around his backside. I hate seeing Copyright 2016 - 2024