Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,44

widens the bathroom door, and I notice him next to the tub. He’s got a few candles lit, which is why I didn’t see a light on in there when I passed by. “You gotta be sore after running around. I figure, you fed me, so now I’ll make sure you get to relax.”

A breath escapes me as I take everything in. It’s so simple, yet one of the nicest things a man has ever done for me. “I haven’t had a bath in a while. It sounds heavenly.”

He beams and starts peeling his clothes off.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I take a step into the bathroom, sliding off my shoes and socks.

“I’m getting in with you.”

My surprised stare meets his. “You’re not too manly for baths?”

“Fuck no, and anyone who says different hasn’t been punched in the ribs before. A hot soak with Epsom salt can do wonders for your body.”

“You just keep surprising me,” I admit, and he reaches out to peel my shirt off. I work on unbuttoning my pants while he reaches around to free me from my bra. This is what I was thinking of earlier about Sebastian. I could get used to this, him, and everything he does. He makes it almost impossible for me not to fall for him. I’m afraid that when the time comes for me to leave, I’ll be so far invested with him that my heart will break in the process. It already shattered with my father’s death. I’m not sure how much more I can take without completely losing myself in the process.

“Your body should be illegal,” I murmur, casting my eyes all over him. The man is gorgeous.

“I could argue the same,” he replies, holding my hand as I step into the hot water. He gets in behind me and sits first. With his hands on my hips, he directs me between his thighs. It’s intimacy on an entirely new level. For some reason, the nakedness and the water makes me feel exposed to him. “Turn around, Savannah. I wanna see you when we talk.”

“Okay,” I whisper, sliding my body around until he captures me with his gaze. He leans forward, reaching for me, tucking my hair behind my ear, and I tilt my face into his touch. My body instantly reacts, my nipples tightening up. “Is this better?”

“Mm, much. I could look at you all day.”

I bite my lips, staring at the water between us. His cock bobs between his thighs, the length impressive at half-mast. “That should come with a warning,” I gesture, and he chuckles.

“So should your curvy ass.”

I shake my head, laughing to myself. He’s always got something quick to come back with, and they always somehow sound like a compliment to my ears.

“I wanted you relaxed ‘cause I’ve got some shit to discuss with you.”

“Okay,” I drag the word out, my stomach spinning with curiosity.

“I don’t know how you’re gonna take it. I was talking it over with Chaos when you showed up.”

My brow wrinkles. “You’re kind of scaring me with the buildup. You mentioned the subject was tense earlier, what is it?” I knew he was too good to be true. He’s probably married or has a crazy ex-wife or something else just as alarming. I already know about the drugs, and surprisingly, it doesn’t bother me. I knew he wasn’t a saint when I met him. He’s good to me just the way he is, and I’m not going to try to change that part of him. The way I see his dealing is that it’s not any of my business.

“Well, I told you this morning that I had shit to take care of for most the day.”

I nod, remembering his words. It’s one reason why I was a little unsure about just showing up at the MC. I didn’t want him to think I was becoming clingy or anything. I could’ve texted him, I suppose but didn’t think of it. I’m used to my phone being shut off and only using the minutes when it’s absolutely necessary.

“Shit was business as usual.” He leaves out the details, and while some may be nosey on his drug deals or whatever he was up to, I don’t want to know. “When it was time to leave, though, some new information got me twisted up inside. A man had your photo.”

My body locks up, ready to jump out of this water and run. His hands latch onto my arms, keeping me rooted in Copyright 2016 - 2024