Bash (Kings of Carnage MC #1) - Sapphire Knight Page 0,43

or when he’s fixing something else that’s broken on my car. “And he’s worried about you?” I ask, curious, but not wanting to pry too deeply and have him shut down on me.

“I found out some shit today and had to keep him up to speed. In our lifestyle, shit’s not always easy, Sweet Pea. Sometimes it gets ugly, and there’s nothing we can do but come up with a plan.”

I know the feeling, more than he realizes. Ever since my father’s death, nothing has been remotely easy. The authorities tried to claim that my father’s death was a suicide, that he’d gone bankrupt and was so depressed that he took his own life. I know what they say is all a big fat lie. The cops were being paid off to make it seem one way, when it was the opposite. My father lost all of his money; not that he was overly rich, but comfortable. He earned his money from working hard, then his life was stolen from him as well. He was murdered, and I figured out exactly who did it. I am my father’s daughter, after all, and I’ve always been a little too smart for my own good. At least, that’s what my father claimed many times over.

The oven beeps, the timer signaling that our food’s been heating for ten minutes. I hop up to grab it, but Sebastian is right behind me, taking the hot pad from my hand. “I’ll get these out, babe. You grab us some plates, yeah?”

“Okay,” I give in, my heart warming a touch more at his willingness to help out. It’s like he wants to protect me when he can, yet not tell me I can’t do something. He doesn’t attempt to snuff out the strong-willed woman that I am. He embraces it and compliments me with his own alpha personality.

“I didn’t ask earlier when you mentioned the food. I sort of assumed I’d get you all night to myself. You got anything you gotta handle tonight?”

I shake my head. “I was hoping we’d hang out too.”

“All right, then. This smells so fuckin’ good. I still want to eat your pussy for dessert, though.”

A laugh spills free. He is extremely talented with his tongue. “If you think I’ll fight you on that, you’re mistaken.”

He matches my excited smile, a deep chuckle rumbling his chest. “Fuck, baby, you know a way to a man’s heart. Food and the best tasting cunt I’ve ever had.”

I shoot him a glower. “I’m going to pretend like you just said mine’s the only pussy you’ve ever had.”

His eyes widen, a booming laugh spilling free. “Shit, I kind of like you like this. You getting possessive is making me hard. You’re so goddamn sexy, Angel; you know that?” His tone grows quieter with the endearment, his voice earnest.

I take a big bite of my food, not wanting to meet his serious gaze. He’s intense, and I love it, so much so, that if I’m not careful, he’ll consume my heart far too easily. I have to be careful in everything that I do, and Sebastian brings such a strong feeling of freedom with him that I find myself forgetting to have my guard up. Each time I’m with him, I open to him more and find myself wishing I could stay with him longer.

Like today, for instance. I’m always the last waitress to leave. I take on any last-minute customers and tips I can get. This evening, however, the moment my boss hinted at it being too slow, I volunteered to leave. I think everyone who was there was shocked to hear me speak up. No one protested, and I grabbed some food and left as soon as possible. I still haven’t asked my boss about another job either. Instead, I find my thoughts consumed with my thoughtful biker I can never get enough of. If I work more, I’ll be around him less, and that’s something I don’t want, no matter how badly I need the extra income.

We finish our dinner in comfortable silence. I’m doing the dishes, not paying attention to what Sebastian has his nose into until I hear my name being called from down the hall. I dry my hands on the dish towel and head for my bedroom, thinking it’s time for his pussy sundae. “Sebastian?” I say when I don’t immediately see him in my room.

“In here, Angel,” he calls, and I spin around, back into the hall. He Copyright 2016 - 2024